Mini Robot – Little Cupcakes by Fam Irvoll

Do you remember Fam Irvoll’s womenswear show? Well it wasn’t the primary reason for my visit to Oslo. I was actually invited to see the Little Cupcakes kidswear line. To be totally honest, Mini Robot was invited, but she couldn’t go because she was washing her hair that night, so I went and did her job for her – the sacrifices of a mother never end. Seriously though, how lazy are three year olds these days? Pah!
I came back with the obligatory truck load of photos from this really cute collection and showed it to her in order to get her expert commentary. I merely transcribed our conversation above each look, you get the idea.

Mini Robot:  Who is that?
Me: A little girl modelling some clothes.
Mini Robot: What is she wearing?
Me: A skirt and a top. Do you like them?
Mini Robot: Yes, they are pretty. Can I have them to wear?
Why is she not wearing shoes?
Me: I don’t know.
Fam Irvoll - Little Cupcakes

Mini Robot: What is she doing?
Me: She is dancing.
Mini Robot: Why are her legs the same as her head?
Me: Because she is wearing matching prints.
Mini Robot: I don’t have matchy prints. Can I wear matchy prints?
Me: Yes, I am sure you can.

Fam Irvoll - Little Cupcakes

Me: Maybe you can have it for next Winter.
Mini Robot: My coat is rubbish. This coat is pretty.

Fam Irvoll - Little Cupcakes

Mini Robot: Are they my friends?
Me: I don’t know!
Mini Robot: I can wear the dress to my party.
Me: What party?
Mini Robot: The party with my friends on the picture.

Fam Irvoll - Little Cupcakes

Mini Robot: I wish my hair was pink.
Me: When you grow up you can dye your hair any colour you like.
Mini Robot: Like you?
Me: Yes, and like this little girl.
Mini Robot: I want pink hair. No! Blue hair! Why can’t you have pink hair?
Me: Because my hair is too dark. Believe me if I could, I would!

Fam Irvoll - Little Cupcakes