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Uploaded: 22.04.2024 01:51
Updated: 22.04.2024 02:21
1 users have this item in favourites
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based on face by vinaymathias . Added logo of Dżem rock group and battery status


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Recent community discussions

Convert request for Amazfit GTS 4 Mini!

Hello there! Could somebody please assist with converting this watch face to be compatible with the Amazfit GTS 4 Mini? https://amazfitwatchfaces.com/gts/view/8395...

Ny666 @ 21.05.2024 19:31:35

Rquest for Create a Watchface for GTR 4

can you please make the AOD battery-friendly? by making of this in 2 varients, 01 is turning off the smooth second to normal seconds and a 2nd version with seconds off. thanks...

asoo @ 21.05.2024 17:29:13

GTR MINI - LCARS watchface

Can someone make the awesome LCARS star trek style watchface for the GTR mini? I need weather, time, date, heartrate, steps https://amazfitwatchfaces.com/g...

asoo @ 20.05.2024 12:06:35

Rquest for Create a Watchface for GTR 4

And also the digital hours & minutes style is different.. I have my own style and those are not digital hours but indicator of day and month, that's why the day i...

CzAlien @ 19.05.2024 23:34:20

Garmin request for GTR4

Thank you sir looks great i appreciate you...

Wahwah @ 19.05.2024 12:41:34

Port request for [GTR 4]

@asoo and @CzAlien did something similar for me that might easily adapted/converted. https://amazfitwatchfaces.com/forum/vie...

AWfan @ 17.05.2024 00:27:17

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