Maximum size : 20 cm

Strawberry Leporinus - Leporinus granti : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Strawberry Leporinus (Leporinus granti), is a rare and hardy species that can become a captivating addition to any aquarium. Its somewhat active but also shy and retiring nature and striking appearance will delight both owners and casual observers of this beautiful fish. Though one of the smaller species of Leporinus found in the fishkeeping hobby, these fish are still quite large and robust; therefore, they need to be housed in a suitably sized aquarium with plenty of hiding spaces.

Although typically serene with similarly sized fish, adult Strawberry Leporinus can occasionally display territorial instincts towards each other. However, from our observations, they seem to thrive in the presence of their own species. Instead of aggressive confrontations, they engage in a gentle form of sparring. This unique behaviour involves swimming side by side and rubbing against each other as a way of sizing each other up. This gentle competition, rather than being a sign of hostility, appears to be an interesting aspect of their social interaction.

Ideal tankmates for the Strawberry Leporinus include larger South American Cichlids, medium to large-sized Barbs, Headstanders, Catfish, other Leporinus species, and Plecos. It's generally wise to steer clear of smaller species or those with intricate finnage to protect them from potential harm. Interestingly though, in our own aquarium, we've successfully kept a group of cull guppies with four different Leporinus species. Remarkably, these guppies are rarely disturbed by the Leporinus and have even managed to breed successfully, with many of their fry growing to adulthood. This unique cohabitation may not be typical, but in our experience, it has proven to be a harmonious arrangement.

One critical characteristic of the Strawberry Leporinus to be mindful of is its remarkable jumping ability. Given this propensity, it's paramount to ensure your aquarium is equipped with a tightly secured lid to thwart any potential escape efforts. As for their preferred habitat, these fish thrive in an intricately adorned aquarium that includes a sandy bottom. Integrating elements such as multiple pieces of bogwood and smooth rocks not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your tank but also provides the Leporinus with essential hiding spots, contributing to their sense of security should they ever feel threatened.

The Strawberry Leporinus, with its elongated body, slender tail, and arched back, form a genuinely beautiful spectacle. Its vibrant pinkish-red body is speckled with irregular black blotches of varying dimensions, adding allure. Complementing the body's colouration, the dorsal, pectoral, pelvic, and caudal fins exhibit a similar orangy tint. In perfect harmony with the overall colour scheme, the anal fin seamlessly blends with the body, augmenting the species' overall aesthetic charm. This unique blend of captivating colour patterns and behaviours positions the Strawberry Leporinus as a standout species in the aquarist community.

Strawberry Leporinus Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Discerning between male and female Strawberry Leporinus can present a challenge due to the subtle differences in their physical traits. However, certain characteristics can be indicative of their gender. Generally, females tend to be slightly larger, bear a marginally less vibrant colouration, and exhibit a fuller body shape in comparison to their male counterparts.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameLeporinus granti
Year Described1912
Other NamesNone
OriginsFrench Guiana
Max Size20 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asTrios
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 5.0 - 7.5
GH 1 - 15
Ideal Temperature
68 - 82
20 - 27

Natural Habitat

The Strawberry Leporinus's native habitat is the Mana River of Western French Guiana, located on the Northeast coast of South America. Adult Leporinus are believed to prefer congregating in large groups within creeks, featuring either sandy or muddy bottoms. These habitats can present varying water flows, ranging from slow meandering currents to faster-paced streams. In contrast, younger Leporinus, or juveniles, are typically found seeking sanctuary in tranquil, shallow waters, often ensconced amongst plant life.



Regrettably, there is limited data regarding the breeding habits of the Strawberry Leporinus, and reports on this topic are scarce. In their natural habitat, they are thought to be seasonal spawners that scatter their eggs among weeds, and it is worth noting that parental care is not observed.

Diet & Feeding

The diet of the Strawberry Leporinus is predominantly herbivorous, and these fish are often seen grazing on algae, adopting a distinctive head-down position. If algae become scarce, they can adapt their feeding habits to include plant leaves. Given this propensity for plant-nibbling, incorporating artificial plants in their habitat can be a wise choice. Interestingly, we have successfully introduced natural plants like Cryptocoryne and Anubias into their environment, reflecting this species' adaptability.

Despite their herbivorous tendencies, Strawberry Leporinus are indeed omnivorous and exhibit a non-fussy approach to food. They can enjoy a diverse diet, readily accepting high-quality dry foods such as flakes and granules. Additionally, live and frozen foods like mosquito larvae, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and chopped earthworms are also well-received. For an occasional nutritious treat and added dietary variation, small snails can be introduced into their feeding routine.


Strawberry Leporinus - Leporinus granti - Rare Freshwater Tropical Aquarium Fish Thumbnail

Other Leporinus

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