11institutetext: Institute of Physics, Laboratory of Astrophysics, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Observatoire de Sauverny, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland
11email: saniya.khan@epfl.ch
22institutetext: Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Via Gobetti 93/2, I-40129 Bologna, Italy 33institutetext: INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio di Bologna, Via Gobetti 93/3, I-40129 Bologna, Italy 44institutetext: School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK 55institutetext: LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, Université Paris Cité, 92195 Meudon, France 66institutetext: INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Vicolo dell’Osservatorio 5, I-35122 Padova, Italy 77institutetext: Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, Niels Bohrweg 2, 2333 CA Leiden, The Netherlands 88institutetext: Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Königstuhl 17, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany 99institutetext: Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2611, Australia 1010institutetext: ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D), Australia

Investigating Gaia EDR3 parallax systematics using asteroseismology of Cool Giant Stars observed by
Kepler, K2, and TESS

I. Asteroseismic distances to 12,500 red-giant stars
S. Khan 11    A. Miglio 223344    E. Willett 44    B. Mosser 55    Y. P. Elsworth 44    R. I. Anderson 11    L. Girardi 66    K. Belkacem 55   
A. G. A. Brown
   T. Cantat-Gaudin 88    L. Casagrande 991010    G. Clementini 33    A. Vallenari 66
(Received 20 February 2023; accepted 10 April 2023)

Gaia EDR3 has provided unprecedented data that generate a lot of interest in the astrophysical community, despite the fact that systematics affect the reported parallaxes at the level of 10μassimilar-toabsent10𝜇as\sim 10\,\rm\mu as. Independent distance measurements are available from asteroseismology of red-giant stars with measurable parallaxes, whose magnitude and colour ranges more closely reflect those of other stars of interest. In this paper, we determine distances to nearly 12,500 red-giant branch and red clump stars observed by Kepler, K2, and TESS. This is done via a grid-based modelling method, where global asteroseismic observables, constraints on the photospheric chemical composition, and on the unreddened photometry are used as observational inputs. This large catalogue of asteroseismic distances allows us to provide a first comparison with Gaia EDR3 parallaxes. Offset values estimated with asteroseismology show no clear trend with ecliptic latitude or magnitude, and the trend whereby they increase (in absolute terms) as we move towards redder colours is dominated by the brightest stars. The correction model proposed by Lindegren et al. (2021a) is not suitable for all the fields considered in this study. We find a good agreement between asteroseismic results and model predictions of the red clump magnitude. We discuss possible trends with the Gaia scan law statistics, and show that two magnitude regimes exist where either asteroseismology or Gaia provides the best precision in parallax.

Key Words.:
asteroseismology — astrometry — distance scale — parallaxes — stars: distances — stars: low-mass — stars: oscillations

1 Introduction

In December 2020, the early third intermediate data release of Gaia (Gaia EDR3; Gaia Collaboration et al. 2021) was published, with updated source list, astrometry, and broad-band photometry in the G𝐺G, GBPsubscript𝐺BPG_{\rm BP}, and GRPsubscript𝐺RPG_{\rm RP} bands. This release represents a significant improvement in both the precision and accuracy of the astrometry and photometry, with respect to Gaia DR2. While quasars yielded a median parallax of 29μas29𝜇as-29\,\rm\mbox{$\mu\rm as$} in DR2, this is now reduced to about 17μas17𝜇as-17\,\rm\mbox{$\mu\rm as$} in Gaia EDR3, with variations at a level of 10μassimilar-toabsent10𝜇as\sim 10\,\rm\mbox{$\mu\rm as$} depending on position, magnitude and colour (Lindegren et al., 2021b).

With the EDR3 release, Lindegren et al. (2021a) (hereafter L21) proposed two offset functions Z5(G,νeff,β)subscript𝑍5𝐺subscript𝜈eff𝛽Z_{\rm 5}(G,\nu_{\rm eff},\beta) and Z6(G,ν^eff,β)subscript𝑍6𝐺subscript^𝜈eff𝛽Z_{\rm 6}(G,\hat{\nu}_{\rm eff},\beta) applicable to 5- and 6-parameter astrometric solutions, respectively, that give an estimate of the systematics in the parallax measurement as a function of the G𝐺G-band magnitude, effective wavenumber νeffsubscript𝜈eff\nu_{\rm eff} or pseudo-colour ν^effsubscript^𝜈eff\hat{\nu}_{\rm eff}, and ecliptic latitude β𝛽\beta. Their zero-point correction model is based on quasars, and complemented with indirect methods involving physical binaries and stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud111Python implementations of both functions are available in the Gaia web pages: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/edr3-code..

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Skymap in Galactic coordinates, showing the location and coverage resulting from the crossmatch between the various asteroseismic fields considered in this study and APOGEE DR17. This figure has been generated using the python package mw-plot (milkyway-plot.readthedocs.io). The background image comes from ESA/Gaia/DPAC.

Despite the availability of such a correction, L21 still encourage users of Gaia EDR3 data to derive their own zero-point estimates, whenever possible. Indeed, some studies dedicated to the comparison between EDR3 parallaxes and independent measurements have found that the inclusion of the L21 offset could lead to an over-correction of the parallaxes. All the values reported below give the difference between the corrected EDR3 parallaxes and the other measurements, hence positive values correspond to an over-correction, as a result of applying the L21 values222In this work, we define the residual parallax offset as Δϖcorr=(ϖEDR3Z5)ϖotherΔsubscriptitalic-ϖcorrsubscriptitalic-ϖEDR3subscript𝑍5subscriptitalic-ϖother\Delta\varpi_{\rm corr}=(\varpi_{\rm EDR3}-Z_{5})-\varpi_{\rm other}, while some of the studies mentioned define it with the opposite sign, i.e. Δϖcorr=ϖother(ϖEDR3Z5)Δsubscriptitalic-ϖcorrsubscriptitalic-ϖothersubscriptitalic-ϖEDR3subscript𝑍5\Delta\varpi_{\rm corr}=\varpi_{\rm other}-(\varpi_{\rm EDR3}-Z_{5}). This includes samples based on classical Cepheids (+14±5μasplus-or-minus145𝜇as+14\pm 5\,\rm\mbox{$\mu\rm as$}, Riess et al. 2021; +18±5μasplus-or-minus185𝜇as+18\pm 5\,\rm\mbox{$\mu\rm as$} and +22±3μasplus-or-minus223𝜇as+22\pm 3\,\rm\mbox{$\mu\rm as$} based on NIR HST and optical Gaia bands respectively, Cruz Reyes & Anderson 2023; +22±4μasplus-or-minus224𝜇as+22\pm 4\,\rm\mbox{$\mu\rm as$}, Molinaro et al. 2023), and RR Lyrae stars (+22±2μasplus-or-minus222𝜇as+22\pm 2\,\rm\mbox{$\mu\rm as$}; Bhardwaj et al., 2021). Still, there are other studies which did not report such an overestimation of the parallax zero-point, as can be seen from eclipsing binaries (15±18μasplus-or-minus1518𝜇as-15\pm 18\,\rm\mbox{$\mu\rm as$}; Stassun & Torres, 2021), red clump stars (+4.04μas4.04𝜇as+4.04\,\rm\mbox{$\mu\rm as$}, the uncertainty is not reported; Huang et al., 2021), and WUMa-type eclipsing binary systems (+4.2±0.5μasplus-or-minus4.20.5𝜇as+4.2\pm 0.5\,\rm\mbox{$\mu\rm as$}; Ren et al., 2021).

Following on from our Gaia DR2 study (Khan et al., 2019, hereafter K19), we extend our catalogue of distances using asteroseismic data in the Kepler, K2, and TESS southern continuous viewing zone (TESS-SCVZ) fields, allowing for a first comparison with Gaia EDR3. The asteroseismic and spectroscopic surveys used are briefly described in Sec. 2. The method for estimating asteroseismology-based parallaxes is introduced in Sec. 3. Section 4 presents our parallax zero-point results for Kepler, K2, and TESS separately, and provides a first discussion of global trends seen in ecliptic latitude, magnitude, and effective wavenumber. In Sec. 5, we discuss the magnitude of the red clump as an independent validation of the method, the impact of Gaia scanning law statistics for K2, and the existence of two regimes in magnitude where either the precision of asteroseismology or Gaia dominates. Conclusions are reported in Sec. 6.

Table 1: Overview of the properties of the different datasets: the observation length, range in G𝐺G magnitude and in νeffsubscript𝜈eff\nu_{\rm eff} are given.
Fields Baseline G𝐺G νeffsubscript𝜈eff\nu_{\rm eff} (μm1𝜇superscriptm1\rm\mu m^{-1})
Kepler 4 years [9, 13] [1.4, 1.5]
K2 80 days [9, 15] [1.35, 1.5]
TESS-SCVZ 1 year [9, 11] [1.4, 1.5]

2 Observational framework

Our sample is divided into three main parts, summarised in Table 1, and the location of the various fields is illustrated on Fig. 1. The full datasets with asteroseismic, spectroscopic, and astrometric information are provided along with the paper, and details about the columns are given in App. A.

2.1 Asteroseismic information

We first have first-ascent red-giant branch (RGB) stars and red clump (RC) stars observed by Kepler (Borucki et al., 2010), for which the observation length is the longest: 4 years. The second part of our sample consists of red giants observed by K2, namely Kepler’s follow-up mission (Howell et al., 2014). Compared to the two campaigns analysed in K19, we now have data available for 17 campaigns: C01-08, C10-18. The observations of K2 campaigns have a much shorter duration of 80 days. We further analysed very bright (G<11𝐺11G<11) red-giant stars in the TESS southern continuous viewing zone (Ricker et al., 2015). The TESS full-frame images, from which the asteroseismic data are extracted, are based on 1 year of observations.

For all three surveys, we use the frequency of maximum oscillation power νmaxsubscript𝜈max\nu_{\rm max} and the average large frequency spacing Δνdelimited-⟨⟩Δ𝜈\langle\Delta\nu\rangle, and consider two different asteroseismic pipelines: Mosser & Appourchaux (2009, hereafter MA09) and Elsworth et al. (2020, hereafter E20). We keep stars for which both pipelines return a νmaxsubscript𝜈max\nu_{\rm max} value in the range [15, 200] μHz𝜇Hz\rm\mu Hz. Beyond these limits, the νmaxsubscript𝜈max\nu_{\rm max} estimates are more uncertain and can deviate significantly between MA09 and E20.

2.2 Spectroscopic information

For K2, two different surveys are considered for constraints on the photospheric chemical composition, i.e. Teffsubscript𝑇effT_{\rm eff} and [Fe/H]delimited-[]FeH\rm{[Fe/H]} (as well as [α/Fe]delimited-[]𝛼Fe\rm{[\alpha/Fe]}, if available): APOGEE DR17 with near-infrared (NIR) all-sky spectroscopic observations and a resolution of R22500similar-to𝑅22500R\sim 22500 (Abdurro’uf et al., 2022), and GALAH DR3 with southern hemisphere spectroscopic observations in the optical/NIR and R28000similar-to𝑅28000R\sim 28000 (Buder et al., 2021). For Kepler and TESS, we only use APOGEE constraints. Additional flags are also applied following recommendations specific to each spectroscopic survey333We used the STAR_WARN and STAR_BAD flags to clean the APOGEE sample (https://www.sdss.org/dr17/irspec/parameters/); and flag_sp == 0, flag_fe_h == 0, flag_alpha_fe == 0 for the GALAH sample (https://www.galah-survey.org/dr3/flags/)..

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Parallax difference ϖEDR3ϖPARAMsubscriptitalic-ϖEDR3subscriptitalic-ϖPARAM\varpi_{\rm EDR3}-\varpi_{\rm PARAM} as a function of the G𝐺G magnitude for the full sample (top), Kepler (bottom left), K2 (bottom middle), and TESS (bottom right panel), using E20 and APOGEE DR17. The colour scale indicates the density of stars, increasing from black to white. The red, yellow, and blue-shaded areas show the median parallax difference binned by magnitude for Kepler, K2, and TESS, respectively.

3 Asteroseismic parallaxes

Asteroseismic parallaxes are estimated with the Bayesian tool PARAM (Rodrigues et al., 2017). For a given set of observational inputs: νmaxsubscript𝜈max\nu_{\rm max}, Δνdelimited-⟨⟩Δ𝜈\langle\Delta\nu\rangle, Teffsubscript𝑇effT_{\rm eff}, logg𝑔\log g, [Fe/H]delimited-[]FeH\rm{[Fe/H]}, and [α/Fe]delimited-[]𝛼Fe\rm{[\alpha/Fe]} (when available), as well as photometric measurements, the code will determine the best-fitting stellar parameters by searching among a grid of models. The outputs are given in the form of probability density functions, from which the median and 68% credible intervals lead to the final parameters of interest and their uncertainties. We refer the reader to Miglio et al. (2021) for a more extensive discussion of the importance of uncertainties related to stellar models.

In particular, asteroseismic and spectroscopic constraints are combined together to derive absolute magnitudes in the different passbands, using bolometric corrections from Girardi et al. (2002). Extinction coefficients are computed adopting the Cardelli et al. (1989) and O’Donnell (1994) reddening laws with RV=3.1subscript𝑅𝑉3.1R_{V}=3.1. It is then assumed that extinctions in all filters Aλsubscript𝐴𝜆A_{\lambda} are related by a single interstellar extinction curve expressed in terms of its V𝑉V-band value, i.e. Aλ(AV)subscript𝐴𝜆subscript𝐴𝑉A_{\lambda}(A_{V}). The total extinction AVsubscript𝐴𝑉A_{V} and the distance d𝑑d can then be derived simultaneously. Parallaxes are obtained by inverting the said distances (with a relative uncertainty below 5%similar-toabsentpercent5\sim 5\%), and the error on the distance is propagated to obtain the uncertainty on the parallax. We provide a comparison with Gaia DR3 GSP-Phot distances in App. B.

Table 2: Summary of the different combinations of asteroseismic and spectroscopic constraints used in this study, for the fields considered: Kepler, K2 (C01-08, C10-18), and TESS-SCVZ. The median parallax offsets obtained before (Δϖ=ϖEDR3ϖPARAMΔitalic-ϖsubscriptitalic-ϖEDR3subscriptitalic-ϖPARAM\Delta\varpi=\varpi_{\rm EDR3}-\varpi_{\rm PARAM}) and after applying L21 corrections (Δϖcorr=ϖEDR3,corrϖPARAMΔsubscriptitalic-ϖcorrsubscriptitalic-ϖEDR3corrsubscriptitalic-ϖPARAM\Delta\varpi_{\rm corr}=\varpi_{\rm EDR3,corr}-\varpi_{\rm PARAM}) are indicated. For K2, the median offset is calculated considering the 17 campaigns together, and the uncertainty quoted corresponds to the 16th and 84th percentiles. In addition, the full range with the minimum and maximum offsets measured for K2 fields is also given.
Fields Seismo. Spectro. N𝑁N Δϖdelimited-⟨⟩Δitalic-ϖ\langle\Delta\varpi\rangle (μas𝜇as\rm\mu as) Δϖcorrdelimited-⟨⟩Δsubscriptitalic-ϖcorr\langle\Delta\varpi_{\rm corr}\rangle (μas𝜇as\rm\mu as) Full range Full range (corr.)
Kepler MA09 APOGEE DR17 4687 32±0.4plus-or-minus320.4-32\pm 0.4 12±0.4plus-or-minus120.4-12\pm 0.4 - -
E20 - - 20±0.3plus-or-minus200.3-20\pm 0.3 0.4±0.3plus-or-minus0.40.3-0.4\pm 0.3 - -
K2 MA09 APOGEE DR17 7024 187+9subscriptsuperscript1897-18^{+9}_{-7} +157+6subscriptsuperscript1567+15^{+6}_{-7} [4343-43, +22+2] [66-6, +3333+33]
E20 - - 186+12subscriptsuperscript18126-18^{+12}_{-6} +147+12subscriptsuperscript14127+14^{+12}_{-7} [3939-39, +11+1] [44-4, +3232+32]
MA09 GALAH DR3 5919 196+8subscriptsuperscript1986-19^{+8}_{-6} +136+11subscriptsuperscript13116+13^{+11}_{-6} [6868-68, +44+4] [4141-41, +3232+32]
E20 - - 197+8subscriptsuperscript1987-19^{+8}_{-7} +148+12subscriptsuperscript14128+14^{+12}_{-8} [7070-70, +1515+15] [4545-45, +4343+43]
TESS-SCVZ MA09 APOGEE DR17 1253 23±1.2plus-or-minus231.2-23\pm 1.2 15±1.2plus-or-minus151.2-15\pm 1.2 - -
E20 - - 41±1.4plus-or-minus411.4-41\pm 1.4 33±1.4plus-or-minus331.4-33\pm 1.4 - -

4 A first comparison to Gaia EDR3 parallaxes

To simplify the discussion and figures, we focus on one combination of asteroseismic and spectroscopic constraints. For most K2 fields, the offsets measured using MA09 or E20’s seismic observables agree to within a few μ𝜇\muas. For TESS-SCVZ targets, Mackereth et al. (2021) found the Δνdelimited-⟨⟩Δ𝜈\langle\Delta\nu\rangle values returned by E20’s pipeline to be more consistent with individual-mode frequencies (and so to the method employed in models). Hence, we will use the E20 asteroseismic pipeline for all three fields. Systematic differences in the spectroscopic parameters published by different surveys affect our results at the level of 5-10 μ𝜇\rm\muas (also partly due to the samples being different). We therefore adopt a single homogeneous spectroscopic dataset with APOGEE DR17 to ensure greatest precision.

A summary of the parallax zero-points derived is given in Table 2, while individual offsets for all combinations of seismic and spectroscopic constraints are provided in App. C. More detailed checks on how the asteroseismic method and the choice of spectroscopy affect the analysis of Gaia systematics will be presented in a forthcoming paper (Khan et al., in prep.).

4.1 Separate analyses for Kepler, K2, and TESS

In the following, our results are based on 5-parameter astrometric solutions only. We estimate the parallax offset for each field, before and after applying L21 corrections to Gaia parallaxes, and study potential trends with asteroseismic, spectroscopic, and photometric parameters. We had initially compared our results with Zinn (2021)’s analysis of Kepler targets. However, by doing so, we noticed a misuse in the L21 corrections computed in their study, that is they used sinβ𝛽\sin\beta instead of β𝛽\beta in the Python code.

We investigate the parallax difference Δϖ=ϖEDR3ϖPARAMΔitalic-ϖsubscriptitalic-ϖEDR3subscriptitalic-ϖPARAM\Delta\varpi=\varpi_{\rm EDR3}-\varpi_{\rm PARAM} as a function of G𝐺G, and verify that ΔϖΔitalic-ϖ\Delta\varpi is negative for all fields, in the sense that Gaia parallaxes are smaller (Fig. 2). We apply the same analysis as in K19 on the Kepler sample, but this time with Gaia EDR3 parallaxes and updated APOGEE constraints. ΔϖΔitalic-ϖ\Delta\varpi shows fairly flat trends as a function of the ecliptic latitude, the effective wavenumber, the frequency of maximum oscillation, the mass inferred from PARAM, and the metallicity, but not for the G𝐺G magnitude which displays a non-linear feature (see bottom left panel of Fig. 2). This relation with G𝐺G is expected due to changes in the gating scheme or in the window size (see Fig. 17 in Fabricius et al. 2021). Despite the larger scatter and a higher proportion of fainter stars compared to Kepler, we also observe a non-linear trend as a function of G𝐺G if we combine all K2 fields together, which have an ecliptic latitude near zero (see bottom middle panel of Fig. 2). However, our TESS-SCVZ sample is too bright to see this trend.

Figure 8 is similar to Fig. 2, but shows instead the parallax offset residuals Δϖcorr=ϖEDR3,corrϖPARAMΔsubscriptitalic-ϖcorrsubscriptitalic-ϖEDR3corrsubscriptitalic-ϖPARAM\Delta\varpi_{\rm corr}=\varpi_{\rm EDR3,corr}-\varpi_{\rm PARAM}, with Z5subscript𝑍5Z_{5}-corrected Gaia EDR3 parallaxes. This removes the non-linear trend with G𝐺G. It is also clear from Fig. 8 that L21 corrections underestimate the parallax offset in the case of TESS, and overestimate it when it comes to K2 fields. But in Kepler, the residual parallax offset gets very close to zero. This suggests that L21 corrections are not universally suited for different types of sources, spanning a wide range of positions, magnitudes, and colours.

For some of the K2 campaigns (and independently of the spectroscopy used), we notice a significant trend of the parallax difference with the stellar mass. As we do not observe such a trend with mass for Kepler and TESS, we suspect that it could be related to, e.g., different noise levels in the various K2 campaigns. We tried using scaling relations to compute the mass and the asteroseismic parallax instead of PARAM, tested different asteroseismic pipelines and spectroscopic surveys, and removed high νmaxsubscript𝜈max\nu_{\rm max} stars. Unfortunately, none of these made a difference and this is still being investigated (by BM and YE), as it might directly be related to the accuracy of seismically-inferred parameters.

4.2 A global picture

In Fig. 3, we show the offset estimates ΔϖΔitalic-ϖ\Delta\varpi suggested from the difference between the uncorrected Gaia EDR3 and PARAM parallaxes, in the Kepler, the individual K2 campaigns, and the TESS-SCVZ fields. We analyse the relation between the parallax zero-point and the ecliptic latitude β𝛽\beta, the G𝐺G magnitude, and the effective wavenumber νeffsubscript𝜈eff\nu_{\rm eff}, which are the three parameters constituting the L21 correction model.

We first note that the offsets measured from asteroseismology either are close to zero or negative, and lie (at most) a few tens of μ𝜇\muas away from the zero-point suggested by quasars (17μassimilar-toabsent17𝜇as\sim-17\,\rm\mu as). All the K2 campaigns have similar sinβ𝛽\sin\beta, close to zero, which is expected as the K2 survey observed solar-like oscillators all along the ecliptic.

For individual K2 campaigns, the parallax difference also follows a non-linear relation with G𝐺G, in line with what was discussed in Sec. 4.1. The bottom panel of Fig. 3 suggests that the parallax difference becomes more negative as we go towards lower νeffsubscript𝜈eff\nu_{\rm eff}, i.e. redder colours. This is also apparent for νeff1.40less-than-or-similar-tosubscript𝜈eff1.40\nu_{\rm eff}\lesssim 1.40, where we have fewer campaigns. But one has to keep in mind that this trend is dominated by bright stars, for which other caveats exist (see e.g. Sec. 5.3), which tend to drag the parallax difference towards substantially negative values (as can be seen from the middle panel of Fig. 3).

Refer to caption
Figure 3: Top: Median parallax offsets as estimated from asteroseismology (E20+APOGEE), as a function of the sine of ecliptic latitude. Kepler and TESS are plotted as white and black symbols, respectively. The coloured symbols correspond to the various K2 fields, and follow the colour scheme adopted in Fig. 1. Middle and bottom: Median parallax difference binned by G𝐺G magnitude (middle) and effective wavenumber (bottom panel). Kepler and TESS are plotted as black solid and dashed lines, respectively. The median uncertainty on the parallax difference is shown in the lower part of each panel. C15 does not appear in the two bottom panels as there are not enough stars to bin in G𝐺G and νeffsubscript𝜈eff\nu_{\rm eff}.

5 Discussion

5.1 Magnitude of the red clump

As a way to validate our findings, we also analyse the information provided by the magnitude of the red clump. In Fig. 4, we show different estimates of the absolute magnitude of the clump as a function of the galactic latitude b𝑏b. The first estimate is based on the Kssubscript𝐾𝑠K_{s}-band absolute magnitude computed by PARAM, which is thus representative of our asteroseismic samples. For the other two estimates, we select Gaia EDR3 sources centred around the coordinates of each field and with 1<G<151𝐺151<G<15: one estimate is calculated using the inverted Gaia uncorrected parallaxes, and the other with corrected parallaxes (using the L21 correction model). In order to be able to safely use inverted parallaxes, we restrict our samples to Gaia sources with a relative parallax uncertainty lower than 10%. Extinctions are calculated with the combined map (Marshall et al., 2006; Green et al., 2019; Drimmel et al., 2003) from mwdust444https://github.com/jobovy/mwdust (Bovy et al., 2016), and should only have a minor effect on the current analysis as we are working with Kssubscript𝐾𝑠K_{s}-band magnitudes. For each dataset, we then compute the mode of the magnitude of the red clump using a Kernel Density Estimation with a fixed bandwidth (equal to 0.1) on the corresponding histogram.

The magnitude of the red clump shows a trend with the galactic latitude. Figure 3 of Ren et al. (2021) shows that the parallax offset is observed to be more negative for sinb0similar-to𝑏0\sin b\sim 0, which could explain why the filled triangles are more luminous in our Fig. 4. On the other hand, a brighter red clump luminosity would result from a younger and more metal-rich population. This trend is visible when using the seismic sample or the Gaia EDR3 sample without applying L21 parallax corrections. But the corrected Gaia EDR3 sample shows a flat trend instead, which again supports the idea that the L21 zero-point model is not suited to every kind of star (see also Sec. 4.1). In addition, results from asteroseismology agree well with model predictions (see e.g. Girardi, 2016).

Refer to caption
Figure 4: Magnitude of the red clump in the Kssubscript𝐾𝑠K_{s} band, as estimated from our asteroseismic sample (circles, same colour scheme as in Fig. 1), Gaia EDR3 samples before (filled triangles) and after applying L21 corrections (open triangles), as a function of the sine of the galactic latitude. The lines show predictions from modelling: purple/orange for a metal-poor (0.40.4-0.4 dex)/metal-rich model (+0.20.2+0.2 dex); dashed/dotted for a young (5 Gyr)/old model (12 Gyr; see Fig. 8 in Girardi, 2016). These values have been chosen to be representative of the lower and upper bounds of the metallicity and age distributions in the asteroseismic fields.

5.2 Impact of Gaia scanning law statistics for K2

We look into whether the spread in parallax zero-points suggested by the K2 fields could be related to Gaia scan law statistics. For this, we extracted both the average number of scans and spread of scans throughout the year for Gaia EDR3 (see Fig. 1 of Everall et al., 2021, for the all-sky distribution of these quantities in Gaia DR2). The high ecliptic latitude fields, Kepler and TESS, show a high number of scans and an important spread of scans. On the other hand, for K2 we find fewer scans that are often concentrated at a single time of the year, which is consistent with the fact that these fields are located unfavourably with respect to the Gaia scanning law. As a result, the uncertainty on Gaia EDR3 parallaxes is larger for K2, compared to Kepler and TESS. Apart from these obvious differences, we do not observe any trend of the parallax offset with the scan law statistics, between the various K2 campaigns (see Fig. 5).

Refer to caption
Figure 5: Parallax offset, measured as the difference between uncorrected Gaia EDR3 and asteroseismic parallaxes, as a function of the number of scans over the spread of scans. A low value suggests fewer scans clustered at one time of the year, hence an astrometry of lesser quality, while a higher value corresponds to a greater number of scans better separated in time. The colour scheme is the same as in Fig. 1.

5.3 Existence of two magnitude regimes

Figure 6 illustrates the biases arising from asteroseismology or Gaia’s side, as a function of the G𝐺G-band apparent magnitude. The asteroseismic bias corresponds to a fractional systematic uncertainty in radius, hence in distance; while the Gaia bias would be related to the effect of a systematic (absolute) uncertainty in parallax.

In order to test this, we consider two mock stars: one RGB star with L=30L𝐿30subscriptLdirect-productL=30\,\rm L_{\rm\odot}, Teff=4630Ksubscript𝑇eff4630KT_{\rm eff}=4630\,\rm K, [Fe/H] = 0.0 dex, logg=2.6𝑔2.6\log g=2.6, and a RC star with L=50L𝐿50subscriptLdirect-productL=50\,\rm L_{\rm\odot}, Teff=4740Ksubscript𝑇eff4740KT_{\rm eff}=4740\,\rm K, [Fe/H] = 0.0 dex, logg=2.4𝑔2.4\log g=2.4. We then estimate the absolute magnitude in G𝐺G-band. We consider a range of apparent magnitude values [9, 15], and compute a parallax value for each magnitude. ”Biased” parallaxes are then estimated: either adding a constant to the distance modulus, which would correspond to a fractional uncertainty in radius (asteroseismic bias); or adding a constant to the parallax itself (Gaia bias). For the former, we consider a ±plus-or-minus\pm1-3% bias in radius, which corresponds to the 16th and 84th percentiles for the Kepler dataset; while for the latter, we use a range of ±10plus-or-minus10\pm 10-40μas40𝜇as40\,\mbox{$\mu\rm as$}.

We show on Fig. 6 how such biases may affect the estimation of the parallax zero-point. The Kepler dataset is also shown in the background (after subtracting the mean parallax offset), to see how the order of magnitude of these biases compare with the actual observations. The existence of two regimes becomes quite clear: at the bright end, the comparisons in terms of parallax difference are dominated by systematics affecting the seismic parallax; and at the faint end, systematics from asteroseismology are much less dominant and one can potentially expose Gaia’s. This division stems from the fact that the fractional uncertainty on asteroseismic distances (or parallaxes) is largely distance independent, but the absolute precision (in pc or mas) is very much distance dependent, so it becomes worse than Gaia’s in nearby objects.

Refer to caption
Figure 6: Bias in the parallax difference as a function of the apparent magnitude. Two mock stars are considered for the asteroseismic bias: an RGB star (blue) and a RC star (red; see text for details). We show the asteroseismic bias that would result from a 1-3% systematic uncertainty in radius. The Gaia bias, ±10plus-or-minus10\pm 10-40μas40𝜇as40\,\rm\mbox{$\mu\rm as$} in parallax, is shown as a yellow hatched region. Kepler observations are shown in the background, after subtracting the mean parallax offset.

6 Conclusions

We carried out a follow-up of our 2019 study (Khan et al., 2019) to investigate the Gaia EDR3 parallax zero-point, for a significantly larger number of asteroseismic fields: Kepler, 17 K2 campaigns, and the TESS-SCVZ. Our analysis is similar to that of Zinn (2021) for the Kepler field but goes beyond with the addition of K2 and TESS, also making sure that we combine asteroseismic and spectroscopic constraints in a fully homogeneous way. This has the benefit of exploring Gaia parallax systematics for the same type of objects but with a wide range of positions over the sky within a single study. A quick comparison of asteroseismic distances with Gaia DR3’s GSP-Phot estimates shows that a reasonable agreement is found for objects within 2 kpc.

First, we confirm the positional dependence of the Gaia parallax zero-point: Kepler has an offset of 20μsimilar-toabsent20𝜇\sim-20\,\muas, K2 campaigns span a wide range between 39similar-toabsent39\sim-39 and +1μ1𝜇+1\,\muas, and TESS shows an offset of 41μsimilar-toabsent41𝜇\sim-41\,\muas when using E20 and APOGEE constraints.

The inclusion of the Lindegren et al. (2021a) zero-point estimates improves the agreement between Gaia and asteroseismology in the case of Kepler and, to a much lesser extent, TESS. However, in most K2 fields, it can significantly over-correct the parallax difference, sometimes resulting in large positive parallax offsets. This underlines the need to consistently determine the parallax systematics applicable to the sample of interest, taking into account the distributions in position, magnitude, and colour. Such an over-correction had already been suggested by former studies (e.g. Bhardwaj et al., 2021; Riess et al., 2021).

Lastly, in terms of magnitude and colour dependence, we show that asteroseismology provides us with strong constraints on the Gaia EDR3 parallax zero-point, in ranges that are not necessarily well-sampled by L21 corrections. There are no clear trends with the ecliptic latitude or the G𝐺G magnitude, but the zero-point values tend to increase (in absolute terms) towards redder colours (lower νeffsubscript𝜈eff\nu_{\rm eff}). Although this trend seems to be dominated by caveats associated with stars at brighter magnitudes. Moreover, we find that seismic-based estimates of the red clump magnitude are consistent with theoretical predictions of MRCKssubscriptsuperscript𝑀𝐾𝑠RCM^{Ks}_{\rm RC}, and that the inclusion of the L21 offset tends to make the red clump too faint. We do not find any correlation between Gaia scan law statistics and parallax offset estimates for the K2 fields. We also use two mock stars to illustrate the existence of two regimes: bright magnitudes, where Gaia’s precision is better than asteroseismology’s; and faint magnitudes, where we can expose Gaia’s limits thanks to seismology’s precision.

With this study, we present asteroseismology as a powerful tool for constraining Gaia systematics. Red giants come with several benefits: they are single stars with measurable parallaxes and without large-amplitude photometric variations, and consequently differ substantially from eclipsing binaries, quasars, RR Lyrae and Cepheids. Further progress is foreseen with Gaia DR4 which will have improved parallax uncertainties and reduced systematics. And, in a forthcoming paper, we will look in more detail at the uncertainties potentially affecting parallax estimates from asteroseismology and Gaia, and see how we can define the best sample to investigate parallax systematics in Gaia.

This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (https://www.cosmos.esa.int/gaia), processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/dpac/consortium). Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement. RIA and SK are funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) through an Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship (award PCEFP2_194638). AM and EW acknowledge support from the ERC Consolidator Grant funding scheme (project ASTEROCHRONOMETRY, G.A. n. 772293). This research was supported by the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, through ISSI International Team project #490, SHoT: The Stellar Path to the Ho Tension in the Gaia, TESS, LSST and JWST Era.


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Appendix A Catalogues of asteroseismic, spectroscopic, and astrometric properties for Kepler, K2, and TESS red giants

Table 3: Description of the columns contained in the catalogues we release in this work. There are four datasets in total: Kepler + APOGEE, K2 + APOGEE, K2 + GALAH, and TESS + APOGEE. In these tables, we compile asteroseismic information from MA09 and E20, spectroscopic constraints from APOGEE DR17 (Abdurro’uf et al. 2022) or GALAH DR3 (Buder et al. 2021), and astrometric properties from Gaia (E)DR3 (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2021, 2022). Where relevant, uncertainties defined either as the standard deviation (‘err’) or as the 16/84th percentiles (‘68L’, ‘68U’) are provided. For APOGEE, we adopt conservative uncertainty values of 50 K and 0.05 dex for Teffsubscript𝑇effT_{\rm eff} and [M/H]delimited-[]MH\rm{[M/H]}, but keep the original values if they are larger. For GALAH, if [α/Fe]delimited-[]𝛼Fe\rm{[\alpha/Fe]} is not available, then the value and uncertainty on [M/H]delimited-[]MH\rm{[M/H]} are simply equal to those of [Fe/H]delimited-[]FeH\rm{[Fe/H]}.
Column Identifier Description Units
KIC/K2_ID/TIC Kepler/K2/TESS ID NoneNone\mathrm{None}
K2_campaign K2 campaign number NoneNone\mathrm{None}
GEDR3_source_id Gaia EDR3 source id NoneNone\mathrm{None}
GEDR3_ra Gaia EDR3 right ascension degdeg\mathrm{deg}
GEDR3_dec Gaia EDR3 declination degdeg\mathrm{deg}
GEDR3_l Gaia EDR3 galactic longitude degdeg\mathrm{deg}
GEDR3_b Gaia EDR3 galactic latitude degdeg\mathrm{deg}
GEDR3_ecl_lon Gaia EDR3 ecliptic longitude degdeg\mathrm{deg}
GEDR3_ecl_lat Gaia EDR3 ecliptic latitude degdeg\mathrm{deg}
GEDR3_parallax Gaia EDR3 parallax masmas\mathrm{mas}
GEDR3_parallax_Z5 L21 correction (5p) masmas\mathrm{mas}
GEDR3_phot_g_mean_mag Gaia EDR3 G𝐺G-band magnitude magmag\mathrm{mag}
GEDR3_phot_bp_mean_mag Gaia EDR3 GBPsubscript𝐺𝐵𝑃G_{BP}-band magnitude magmag\mathrm{mag}
GEDR3_phot_rp_mean_mag Gaia EDR3 GRPsubscript𝐺𝑅𝑃G_{RP}-band magnitude magmag\mathrm{mag}
GEDR3_nu_eff_used_in_astrometry Gaia EDR3 effective wavenumber μm1𝜇superscriptm1\mathrm{\mu m^{-1}}
GEDR3_pseudocolour Gaia EDR3 pseudocolour μm1𝜇superscriptm1\mathrm{\mu m^{-1}}
GEDR3_astrometric_params_solved Gaia EDR3 number of astrometric parameters solved NoneNone\mathrm{None}
GEDR3_ruwe Gaia EDR3 renormalised unit weight error NoneNone\mathrm{None}
GEDR3_ipd_frac_multi_peak Gaia EDR3 percent of successful-IPD windows with more than one peak NoneNone\mathrm{None}
GEDR3_ipd_gof_harmonic_amplitude Gaia EDR3 amplitude of the IPD GoF versus position angle of scan NoneNone\mathrm{None}
GDR3_non_single_star Gaia DR3 flag indicating the availability in Non-Single Star tables NoneNone\mathrm{None}
GDR3_distance_gspphot Gaia DR3 distance from GSP-Phot pcpc\mathrm{pc}
GDR3_ag_gspphot Gaia DR3 extinction in G𝐺G-band from GSP-Phot magmag\mathrm{mag}
2MASS_kmag 2MASS KSsubscript𝐾𝑆K_{S}-band magnitude magmag\mathrm{mag}
APOGEE_ID APOGEE ID NoneNone\mathrm{None}
APOGEE_teff APOGEE Teffsubscript𝑇effT_{\mathrm{eff}} KK\mathrm{K}
APOGEE_feh APOGEE [Fe/H]delimited-[]FeH\mathrm{[Fe/H]} NoneNone\mathrm{None}
APOGEE_alpha APOGEE [α/Fe]delimited-[]𝛼Fe\mathrm{[\alpha/Fe]} NoneNone\mathrm{None}
APOGEE_mh APOGEE [M/H]delimited-[]MH\mathrm{[M/H]} NoneNone\mathrm{None}
APOGEE_ASPCAPFLAGS APOGEE flag for issues associated with the ASPCAP fits NoneNone\mathrm{None}
GALAH_teff GALAH Teffsubscript𝑇effT_{\mathrm{eff}} KK\mathrm{K}
GALAH_feh GALAH [Fe/H]delimited-[]FeH\mathrm{[Fe/H]} NoneNone\mathrm{None}
GALAH_alpha GALAH [α/Fe]delimited-[]𝛼Fe\mathrm{[\alpha/Fe]} NoneNone\mathrm{None}
GALAH_mh GALAH [M/H]delimited-[]MH\mathrm{[M/H]} NoneNone\mathrm{None}
GALAH_flag_sp GALAH stellar parameter quality flag NoneNone\mathrm{None}
GALAH_flag_fe_h GALAH [Fe/H]delimited-[]FeH\mathrm{[Fe/H]} quality flag NoneNone\mathrm{None}
GALAH_flag_alpha_fe GALAH [α/Fe]delimited-[]𝛼Fe\mathrm{[\alpha/Fe]} quality flag NoneNone\mathrm{None}
MA09_numax νmaxsubscript𝜈max\nu_{\mathrm{max}} from MA09 pipeline μHz𝜇Hz\mathrm{\mu Hz}
MA09_Dnu ΔνΔ𝜈\Delta\nu from MA09 pipeline μHz𝜇Hz\mathrm{\mu Hz}
MA09_PARAM_mass Mass from PARAM, based on MA09 and APOGEE/GALAH MsubscriptMdirect-product\mathrm{M_{\odot}}
MA09_PARAM_rad Radius from PARAM, based on MA09 and APOGEE/GALAH RsubscriptRdirect-product\mathrm{R_{\odot}}
MA09_PARAM_mbol Bolometric magnitude from PARAM, based on MA09 and APOGEE/GALAH magmag\mathrm{mag}
MA09_PARAM_dist Distance from PARAM, based on MA09 and APOGEE/GALAH pcpc\mathrm{pc}
MA09_PARAM_Av Visual extinction from PARAM, based on MA09 and APOGEE/GALAH magmag\mathrm{mag}
MA09_PARAM_Ks KSsubscript𝐾𝑆K_{S} absolute magnitude from PARAM, based on MA09 and APOGEE/GALAH magmag\mathrm{mag}
MA09_PARAM_parallax Parallax from PARAM, based on MA09 and APOGEE/GALAH masmas\mathrm{mas}
E20_numax νmaxsubscript𝜈max\nu_{\mathrm{max}} from E20 pipeline μHz𝜇Hz\mathrm{\mu Hz}
E20_Dnu ΔνΔ𝜈\Delta\nu from E20 pipeline μHz𝜇Hz\mathrm{\mu Hz}
E20_PARAM_mass Mass from PARAM, based on E20 and APOGEE/GALAH MsubscriptMdirect-product\mathrm{M_{\odot}}
E20_PARAM_rad Radius from PARAM, based on E20 and APOGEE/GALAH RsubscriptRdirect-product\mathrm{R_{\odot}}
E20_PARAM_mbol Bolometric magnitude from PARAM, based on E20 and APOGEE/GALAH magmag\mathrm{mag}
E20_PARAM_dist Distance from PARAM, based on E20 and APOGEE/GALAH pcpc\mathrm{pc}
E20_PARAM_Av Visual extinction from PARAM, based on E20 and APOGEE/GALAH magmag\mathrm{mag}
E20_PARAM_Ks KSsubscript𝐾𝑆K_{S} absolute magnitude from PARAM, based on E20 and APOGEE/GALAH magmag\mathrm{mag}
E20_PARAM_parallax Parallax from PARAM, based on E20 and APOGEE/GALAH masmas\mathrm{mas}
E17_evstate Elsworth et al. (2017) evolutionary state NoneNone\mathrm{None}

Appendix B Comparison with Gaia DR3 Apsis GSP-Phot distances

Figure 7 compares distances from asteroseismology (based on E20 and APOGEE) and Gaia DR3 Apsis GSP-Phot for Kepler, K2, and TESS. As noted by Fouesneau et al. (2022), a good agreement is found to about 2 kpc; beyond, GSP-Phot tends to overestimate distances as in Kepler, or on the contrary to systematically underestimate them at even further distances (see K2). No issues are found for TESS nearby targets.

Refer to caption
Figure 7: Comparison of Gaia DR3 Apsis GSP-Phot distances with asteroseismic ones computed using E20 and APOGEE for Kepler (left), K2 (middle), and TESS (right). The bottom panels show the relative difference in distance. The colour scale indicates the Gaia parallax over error ratio. See Fig. 9 in Fouesneau et al. (2022) for a similar comparison with other asteroseismic datasets.

Appendix C Parallax zero-point estimates from asteroseismology

Table 4 gives a summary of the parallax offsets measured with the various combinations of asteroseismology and spectroscopy in the Kepler, K2 campaigns, and TESS fields.

Table 4: Parallax zero-points, measured as the difference between the Gaia EDR3 and the asteroseismic parallaxes (ϖGEDR3ϖPARAMsubscriptitalic-ϖGEDR3subscriptitalic-ϖPARAM\varpi_{\rm GEDR3}-\varpi_{\rm PARAM}), for the asteroseismic fields considered in this study. Each column corresponds to a different combination of asteroseismic (MA09 or E20) and spectroscopic (APOGEE or GALAH) constraints. The offsets reported are given in μ𝜇\muas, and the column used in Secs. 4 and 5 is followed by an asterisk. The number of stars is indicated in brackets. See Sec. 2 for more details about the samples.
Kepler 32.02±0.36plus-or-minus32.020.36-32.02\pm 0.36 (4687) 20.09±0.33plus-or-minus20.090.33-20.09\pm 0.33 (4687) - -
K2 C01 18.32±3.00plus-or-minus18.323.00-18.32\pm 3.00 (201) 21.45±3.00plus-or-minus21.453.00-21.45\pm 3.00 (201) 14.2±2.93plus-or-minus14.22.93-14.2\pm 2.93 (240) 14.84±2.87plus-or-minus14.842.87-14.84\pm 2.87 (240)
K2 C02 22.81±2.11plus-or-minus22.812.11-22.81\pm 2.11 (386) 22.21±2.28plus-or-minus22.212.28-22.21\pm 2.28 (386) 28.28±1.81plus-or-minus28.281.81-28.28\pm 1.81 (620) 28.64±1.89plus-or-minus28.641.89-28.64\pm 1.89 (620)
K2 C03 8.18±2.05plus-or-minus8.182.05-8.18\pm 2.05 (543) 6.01±2.07plus-or-minus6.012.07-6.01\pm 2.07 (543) 3.4±2.82plus-or-minus3.42.82-3.4\pm 2.82 (262) 5.23±2.88plus-or-minus5.232.88-5.23\pm 2.88 (262)
K2 C04 14.16±1.42plus-or-minus14.161.42-14.16\pm 1.42 (1092) 18.30±1.43plus-or-minus18.301.43-18.30\pm 1.43 (1092) 17.68±2.48plus-or-minus17.682.48-17.68\pm 2.48 (474) 21.39±2.55plus-or-minus21.392.55-21.39\pm 2.55 (474)
K2 C05 15.50±1.41plus-or-minus15.501.41-15.50\pm 1.41 (865) 13.59±1.46plus-or-minus13.591.46-13.59\pm 1.46 (865) 12.46±1.65plus-or-minus12.461.65-12.46\pm 1.65 (757) 12.39±1.65plus-or-minus12.391.65-12.39\pm 1.65 (757)
K2 C06 22.04±1.56plus-or-minus22.041.56-22.04\pm 1.56 (690) 21.20±1.60plus-or-minus21.201.60-21.20\pm 1.60 (690) 10.82±2.72plus-or-minus10.822.72-10.82\pm 2.72 (262) 16.51±2.53plus-or-minus16.512.53-16.51\pm 2.53 (262)
K2 C07 18.29±1.91plus-or-minus18.291.91-18.29\pm 1.91 (422) 20.03±1.99plus-or-minus20.031.99-20.03\pm 1.99 (422) 20.67±1.42plus-or-minus20.671.42-20.67\pm 1.42 (822) 21.41±1.46plus-or-minus21.411.46-21.41\pm 1.46 (822)
K2 C08 18.78±2.24plus-or-minus18.782.24-18.78\pm 2.24 (436) 21.11±2.35plus-or-minus21.112.35-21.11\pm 2.35 (436) 15.7±4.0plus-or-minus15.74.0-15.7\pm 4.0 (159) 17.65±3.89plus-or-minus17.653.89-17.65\pm 3.89 (159)
K2 C10 2.08±3.59plus-or-minus2.083.59-2.08\pm 3.59 (199) 5.65±3.49plus-or-minus5.653.49-5.65\pm 3.49 (199) 12.58±4.07plus-or-minus12.584.07-12.58\pm 4.07 (117) 11.07±3.99plus-or-minus11.073.99-11.07\pm 3.99 (117)
K2 C11 42.82±3.56plus-or-minus42.823.56-42.82\pm 3.56 (189) 39.15±3.66plus-or-minus39.153.66-39.15\pm 3.66 (189) 68.18±4.79plus-or-minus68.184.79-68.18\pm 4.79 (235) 69.92±4.81plus-or-minus69.924.81-69.92\pm 4.81 (235)
K2 C12 2.49±2.36plus-or-minus2.492.362.49\pm 2.36 (462) 1.39±2.22plus-or-minus1.392.221.39\pm 2.22 (462) 10.77±6.5plus-or-minus10.776.5-10.77\pm 6.5 (63) 10.43±6.43plus-or-minus10.436.43-10.43\pm 6.43 (63)
K2 C13 30.99±2.03plus-or-minus30.992.03-30.99\pm 2.03 (423) 33.12±2.06plus-or-minus33.122.06-33.12\pm 2.06 (423) 37.89±2.03plus-or-minus37.892.03-37.89\pm 2.03 (645) 37.05±1.99plus-or-minus37.051.99-37.05\pm 1.99 (645)
K2 C14 28.68±2.65plus-or-minus28.682.65-28.68\pm 2.65 (354) 26.89±2.41plus-or-minus26.892.41-26.89\pm 2.41 (354) 23.9±4.00plus-or-minus23.94.00-23.9\pm 4.00 (123) 16.16±4.04plus-or-minus16.164.04-16.16\pm 4.04 (125)
K2 C15 11.46±13.08plus-or-minus11.4613.08-11.46\pm 13.08 (10) 7.54±11.21plus-or-minus7.5411.21-7.54\pm 11.21 (10) 14.58±1.78plus-or-minus14.581.78-14.58\pm 1.78 (735) 7.48±1.62plus-or-minus7.481.62-7.48\pm 1.62 (735)
K2 C16 23.36±2.60plus-or-minus23.362.60-23.36\pm 2.60 (310) 21.32±2.52plus-or-minus21.322.52-21.32\pm 2.52 (310) 13.83±3.29plus-or-minus13.833.29-13.83\pm 3.29 (201) 8.53±3.16plus-or-minus8.533.16-8.53\pm 3.16 (201)
K2 C17 17.95±2.32plus-or-minus17.952.32-17.95\pm 2.32 (348) 18.84±2.42plus-or-minus18.842.42-18.84\pm 2.42 (348) 11.78±3.81plus-or-minus11.783.81-11.78\pm 3.81 (162) 11.53±3.66plus-or-minus11.533.66-11.53\pm 3.66 (162)
K2 C18 10.36±5.27plus-or-minus10.365.27-10.36\pm 5.27 (94) 2.56±5.55plus-or-minus2.565.55-2.56\pm 5.55 (94) 4.08±6.81plus-or-minus4.086.814.08\pm 6.81 (78) 15.23±6.35plus-or-minus15.236.3515.23\pm 6.35 (78)
TESS 23.23±1.27plus-or-minus23.231.27-23.23\pm 1.27 (1253) 41.43±1.43plus-or-minus41.431.43-41.43\pm 1.43 (1253) - -

Appendix D Impact of L21 corrections on parallax offset estimation

Refer to caption
Figure 8: Same as Fig. 2 but including L21 corrections in the Gaia EDR3 parallaxes.