Probably many of you heard and saw Orion Nebula – there is not much to add in this area actually. I also wanted to have it pictured, but last year attempt was not very successfull. I tried this winter one more time with narrowband filters – hydrogen, oxygen and sulphur, and here we have better in my opinion result.

M42 Orion Nebula in narrowband palette
M42 Orion Nebula in narrowband palette
Cropped and enlarged center part of nebula - Trapezium star cluster
Cropped and enlarged center part of nebula – Trapezium star cluster
Wider field area of Orion constellation - pictured with 135mm lens and Canon camera
Wider field area of Orion constellation – pictured with 135mm lens and Canon camera


The narrowband pictures above have been exposed 12 x 10 minutes each channel.

Clear skies!