Recognizing the Signs of a Suboptimal Tummy Tuck

Signs of Bad Tummy Tuck: Reassurance and Hope After Surgical Disappointment

Did you have a tummy tuck only to be left with less-than-ideal results? 

We know how devastating it feels to come out of surgery and suspect signs of a bad tummy tuck. The worst part? It’s not as rare as you think. At least 10-20% of patients suffer abdominoplasty complications. 

Throughout her career, Dr. Cat has helped hundreds of patients overcome the effects of botched surgery. This regrettably common outcome stems from various potential factors—some entirely out of your control. 

The silver lining? With the right guidance and support, you can get back to loving your body again.

In this article, we share insights on abdominoplasty, advice for remedying poor tummy tuck outcomes, and clarity after post-op setbacks. 

Understanding Tummy Tucks: A Brief Recap of the Procedure and Expectations

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgery to tighten the abdominal muscles and tissue by removing excess hanging skin and fat from the tummy. 

Dr. Cat specializes in five types of tummy tucks:

  • Full tummy tuck with muscle repair

Also known as a traditional tummy tuck, this procedure elevates your tummy skin to the ribs, repairing your muscles and creating a corset within your abdomen. After removing and closing the incisions, Dr. Cat creates her signature belly button.

  • Full tummy tuck without muscle repair

This resembles a traditional tummy tuck, except it doesn’t tighten the muscles or abdominal wall. 

  • Mini tummy tuck

A mini tummy tuck focuses solely on your lower abdomen. This incision is shorter, avoiding the belly button entirely. Dr. Cat lifts the lower tummy tissue and removes the excess. 

  • Extended tummy tuck

This is similar to a full tummy tuck, except it also tightens the tummy and the sides of the abdomen. As a result, it involves a longer incision extending to the back. 

  • Revision tummy tuck

In a revision tummy tuck, Dr. Cat corrects poorly-performed tummy tucks on patients who have undergone surgery and are disappointed with their results. 

Ensuring quality tummy tuck results is what Dr. Cat is known for. But what are some common suboptimal abdominoplasty indicators?

Red Flags: Identifying Signs of Bad Tummy Tucks

Worried that your procedure didn’t go as planned? You’ll want to start by recognizing the signs of bad tummy tuck surgery.

There are many potential complications, such as:

  • Irregular abdominal wall tightening
  • Diastasis recti (abdominal muscle separation)
  • Umbilical float (belly button is too low)
  • Irregular scarring (too high or too wide)
  • Abnormal swelling or bruising
  • “Dog ears” (excess skin hanging at the ends of your incision)
  • Irregular or deformed belly button
  • Hanging mons pubis 
  • Excess skin above the belly button
  • Accumulation of fluid
  • Nerve damage
  • Pain or discomfort around the treated area

Any of these sound familiar? It might be time to call on a plastic surgeon specializing in expert tummy tuck revisionbut more on that in a minute.

First, why do these complications happen to begin with?

Expert Perspective: What Leads to a Bad Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty complications can arise for many different reasons. 

This might include:

Whatever the reasons, you deserve to feel confident and comfortable in your own skin. 

A promising way forward? Dr. Cat’s reconstructive expertise

Tummy Tuck Revision with Dr. Cat: Ensuring Safety and Satisfaction Moving Forward

Having plastic surgery is a deeply personal decision. With it comes a mix of anticipation, joy, even fear. Complications can make it feel like all those fears came true. It doesn’t make trusting surgery again any easier, either. 

But Dr. Cat Huang-Begovic understands what led you here. As a revision specialist, she’s helped many patients with navigating tummy tuck concerns. And she’s passionate about correcting poor outcomes. 

Her renowned skill and caring approach are matched by an unwavering commitment to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. And transparency? It underpins every procedure, so you’re never blindsided or let down.

Your Next Steps: Addressing Tummy Tuck Issues

Most people seek plastic surgery to improve their self-esteem and body image. When that surgery doesn’t go as planned? It can intensify those insecurities, prompting disappointment and even greater self-doubt.

Get opinions from multiple providers

Every surgeon has their own skill set and approach to plastic surgery. Don’t be afraid to talk to different providers and compare their treatment plans. 

Maintain a strong support system

Coping with botched plastic surgery is a difficult and emotional process. Now’s the time to lean on your friends and family for emotional support. 

Find a revision specialist you trust

Ready to undo a bad tummy tuck? Be thorough about vetting potential revision surgeons. Research their facility, testimonials, and before/after photos to make sure they align with your standards. 

Be kind to yourself

In addition to feeling unhappy with the results, we’re quick to blame ourselves when cosmetic surgery doesn’t go our way. Try to get out of that mindset. Give yourself compassion and be grateful for the opportunity to make it right. 

If you’ve had tummy tuck surgery and feel like something is off—trust your gut (pun intended).

FAQs: Addressing Questions and Concerns About Tummy Tuck Revisions

Still have questions about addressing tummy tuck issues? You’re not the only one.

Here are some of Dr. Cat’s frequently asked patients regarding unsatisfactory tummy tuck results: 

How do I know if my tummy tuck went wrong?

Signs of tummy tuck complications include:

  • Sensation of abdominal tightening
  • Deformed or oddly placed belly button
  • Abnormal scarring, swelling, or bruising
  • Pain or discomfort in the treated area
  • Excess skin around the incision or belly button
  • Accumulation of fluids around the incision

Is it normal to have a bulge after a tummy tuck?

Yes—Some patients will experience a slight bulge in the abdominal area. If you follow your post-op instructions and wear your compression garments as needed, this bulge should subside within three months after your procedure. 

Is there an alternative to tummy tuck?

Absolutely! Some alternatives to tummy tuck surgery include:

  • Liposuction (invasive surgery that removes unwanted fat)
  • Body Contouring (invasive surgery that harvests unwanted fat to enhance other parts of the body)
  • ThermiSmooth Body (non-invasive treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to smooth and tighten skin)
  • Exercise (some exercise can help tighten the abdominal muscles and get rid of stomach fat)
  • What happens if you don’t wear compression garments after tummy tuck?

Wearing your compression garment is vital to achieving your desired results. If you don’t, it can lead to the tissues stretching, which can cause noticeable scarring. It could also prolong swelling, leading to discomfort and suboptimal results. 

Dr. Cat Plastic Surgery: Safety and Satisfaction Are Within Reach

Confronting signs of bad tummy tuck surgery isn’t easy. But if you’re here, we’re guessing you knew that.

At Dr. Cat Plastic Surgery, it’s our mission to help you regain confidence and self-love. With Dr. Cat, you’ll feel empowered to pursue revision with trust and hope.

Your second chance is waiting.

Book your consultation with Dr. Cat today.