Firefox Logo

I wanted to get in some practice so I thought I’d take a crack at recreating the Firefox logo.

Here’s what I managed. What do you think?


I assume you used curves in blender for this?
It looks good, you came pretty close for just a practice :slight_smile:
Can you add a wirefram picture?

I actually did it all with layered planes. Took about 5 hours. Wire frame shot coming up soon.

Here’s the wire but, warning! there topology is quite ugly lol.

Was that imported as an SVG?

Nope all hand modeled.

I remember, when Jason van Gumster have created the 3D logo of the same. Daclivont, you did a good job. Specially, like the gradients you’ve achieved. :slight_smile:

Cool thanks! I did all the gradients in gimp. Took quite a while since I’ve only used gimp a hand full of times.

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That’s quite a nice project you’ve come out with, great job :slight_smile: If you want I think you could probably play with the fact that it’s 3D a bit and use the extra axis to your advantage. How would it look if you separated the layers a bit and applied a slight DOF or angled the logo slightly? All sort of fun to be had. Great job.

Thanks for the compliment! I’ll see about playing around with the DoF a bit and see how it goes.

Good job, it looks great!

Glad you like it.