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Breakfast at Tiffany’s: Holly Golightly [ENFP]

OFFICIAL TYPING by mysterylover123


Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Holly is filled with ideas, constantly coming up with associations between things. She’s always comparing between people and things in her life. She lives a carefree lifestyle unhampered by any kind of consistency. She has symbolic names for things - “the mean reds” for panic, “super-rats” for sleazy men, “Fred” for Paul. She tends to run on with her ideas,  and her conversation often don’t end up anywhere near where they began. She tries to live without consequences, but is often panicked about the future. She’s good at adapting to new situations; even when her marriage plans to Rusty Trawler fall through, she simply moves on and starts pursuing someone else. She doesn’t look back to her past, and is always geared towards the future. She has no trouble putting together Paul’s secrets from a few stray observations. She likes learning new things, meeting new people, and keeping her options open. Most of the time she acts because the whim takes her. She’s filled with dreamy fantasies about the future.


Introverted Feeling (Fi): Holly is deeply in touch with her internal emotions. She knows how she feels about everything and everyone she comes across. Most of her actions are emotionally influenced, like her wrecking her bedroom or leaving home. She feels a deep need to be true to herself; when she feels she’s not Lulamae anymore, she leaves home and takes on a new identity. She has a sharp sense of personal honor, and proclaims she won’t rat on Sally Tomato because he’s a friend, even after he used her to pass secret messages. She shows her feelings though her actions, rather than words. She doesn’t say ‘I love you’ easily; she cares very much about her brother Fred, but expresses this through trying to get money to help him or wrecking her room when he dies, rather than through direct statements. She comes across a bit cold because she doesn’t tend to flatter people easily.


Extroverted Thinking (Te): Holly is aware of the importance of money and security. She’s always trying to keep track of her finances and those of everyone around her. She takes action to help the people she cares about, including Paul and Fred; she instructs OJ Berman to make ‘Fred’ rich and famous. She does what she needs to do to get by, regardless of emotions; she can’t stand most of the men she goes out with, but is willing to endure them because they’ll give her money for the powder room. She has a good command of facts and information, having factoids like Rusty Trawler being the 9th richest man in America under fifty at her fingertips.


Introverted Sensing (Si): Holly dislikes details. Her place is a mess, her memory of where she left things is scanty, and she needs help to keep track of even her basic finances. She dislikes facing reality or thinking about her past. She never looks back and is often trying to move on, get away from what came before. She does remember some specifics, and relates them to her current ideas; she puts together Doc’s history of trying to love wild animals with her own symbolic idea of herself as a wild animal, basing her dreamy ideals on personal history. She often compares things she encounters in the present to things she encountered before.

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