
Giant Sequoia

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
sunlight-hours 6+ hrs light
window-orientation West
5.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Glazed clay
soil-type Succulent
outdoor-plant Outdoor
🎂 Jun 13th
water@4x 2 Waters
snooze@4x 0 Snoozes
🔥 2x Streaks

Mochi should be watered every 6 days and was last watered on Tuesday Jun 27th.

#GiantSequoia Discussion

#GiantSequoia Desperately trying to nurse Ollie back to health. Luckily, the police department is watching her for me, because she fell sick during a winter storm, and dessication, along with copper posioning might have been an uphill battle.

Ollie finally has a confirmed diagnosis! Confirmed diagnosis for Phomopsis tip blight; Needle blight (Phomopsis juniperovora). Hopefully now we can treat and get her healthy again. Hoping there's still time. Anyone have experience regarding this fungus?

Ollie's branches have been sent to the U of I Plant Clinic for diagnosis and hopefully some insight as to her ailment. On 12-22-2021 one branch turned white. Others soon turned brown spreading from tip to main stem, becoming dry and dying. #giantsequoia

#ollie update: #giantSequoia Ollie seems to be stabilizing and is starting to show signs of progress after being sick since mid-December. Hopefully she can be placed back outside in a few weeks. Still waiting on the lab analysis report

Day 94 being sick. Ollie began her first treatment of Propiconazole. State lab confirmed Phomopsis juniperovora. She's lost a lot of foliage & will lose most of what's left, but new foliage is already growing, and I'm optimistic I can save her.

Gunther, Pokey, & Gang. They are in a temporary holding pattern as I treat them with propiconazole because their friend Ollie is sick and they have all been exposed, but are mostly okay and will hopefully be back outside and reunited soon!

#GiantSequoia RIP Ollie. Ollie was a baby Giant Sequoia tree that no one wanted. It had two separate severe fungal infections, root rot, and copper poisoning. I took her and a volunteer team kept her alive for 318 days, but alas it was too much for her.

Repotted in a 2 gallon pot from the Jonsteen Company tube container. Brochure stated 1-2 years old. #giantsequoia

Is this normal winter browning?

Ollie updates... Ollie has been progressively getting worse. She's suffered a 40 degree temperature change in 15 minutes and extreme low humidity and poor sunlight. She's turned brown, white, and now black spots. After an exploratory surgery, no signs of infection were indicated. Our current working theory is a lack of chlorophyll from inadequate or no photosynthesis due to a copper toxicity resulting in an iron chlorosis. We think the black spots are tiny iron deposits "clotting". We did a complete wash, repot, and straightened some of the roots. Treated with an iron chelation and manganese chelation. Placed in a lab with a controlled environment and a high power grow light. Also, a python will keep her company, just for fun.