Fulla Doll

A few years ago, a friend gave me a doll for my birthday, and at first I thought she was just a very pretty Barbie doll clone. But as I was looking at her, I noticed some rather interesting moulded bloomers under her skirt and once I had undressed her, her identity was revealed.  She was Fulla, and I was ecstatic.

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I’d heard about Fulla, a doll made by NewBoy FZCO, Dubai, but I’d never come across one. Fulla, designed as an alternative to other fashion dolls, reflects more conservative Muslim sensibilities, and was marketed in many countries with large Muslim populations.  I had managed to pick up a couple of Fulla items here in Australia, a pencil case and playing cards – which I suspect may not be official Fulla items – but as far as I know, the dolls weren’t sold here. I was so pleased to have one, and although she was not in her box, she was wearing her original outfit.  My edition is called ‘Winter Fashion’ and wears a skirt, top, jacket and boots.  This particular edition was not sold wearing a hijab or abaya (although she may have come with a hijab packaged in her box), but these were available to buy separately.  Some issues of Fulla were sold wearing these garments, so depending on your beliefs, there is a Fulla doll for everyone.

Fulla playing cards and pencil case found at a discount shop, which I suspect are not official Fulla items, especially as the name is spelt wrong on the pencil case.

Fulla has a lovely smiling face, and reminds me a little of the Steffi Love doll, although they do not have the same face mould.  She has black hair with reddish brown streaks and is a well-made, quality doll with flat chest, a twist waist and bendable legs. She has a moulded singlet and long-Johns which are painted pink.  The Fulla logo is embossed on her singlet. In general, her clothing is fashionable but modest, skirts are longer and sleeves are usually long or three quarter length. The outfit on my doll is well styled and made from quality fabrics.  The skirt is a faux suede and the jacket a soft velour.   I think there may be a couple of friends available for Fulla too.

*Update: thanks to Jian Yang (@jianyang1979) for the following info: ‘Fulla’s friends are Nada, a redhead and Yasmeen, a blonde. Fulla means flower in Arabic. Your doll is complete, and doesn’t come with a hijab. The dolls were very specific in their categorization – yours and those without hijabs are classified as “indoor fashion”. And those with hijabs are called “outdoor fashion”. There’s a series with rooted eyelashes which are thick like the early Great Eras Barbies which are very pretty.’

I really wish these dolls – and a couple of other Islamic-style dolls – were more readily available here in Australia. I’d love to add more to my collection and I’m sure there are lots of children that would love them too.  They come up on eBay occasionally, but they are quite expensive, especially when you factor in exchange rates and postage.  I have seen Islamic-style doll’s clothing for sale quite cheaply on eBay, and also on Etsy, so perhaps a couple of one-of kind-dolls will have to do.

As I’ve said in previous posts, I like my doll collection to reflect my world.  I live in a very diverse, multicultural and welcoming suburb, and I love it.  I love walking down the street and seeing people from all walks of life and from all parts of the world, and hearing many languages and accents.  More importantly, I want the world to be like my doll collection, where all are welcome and respected, and differences are encouraged, indeed celebrated. Where the only thing that won’t be tolerated is intolerance.  And hopefully, that’s a world you want too.  Choose understanding over fear, choose unity over division and always, always, choose love, not hate.

Sending love to Christchurch.

(C) Jennifer B – All content is subject to copyright and may not be re-published or reproduced without written permission.   

4 thoughts on “Fulla Doll”

  1. I have tried to get one of these Fulla dolls but Amazon does send to Australia
    I want the one that is dressed in a Fencing outfit all white sui with Sword & Helmet
    She is great
    You also have a great site

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Jayne. I’d love the Ibtihaj Muhammad doll too (which is a Mattel doll, not a Fulla), but Amazon is so frustrating. I hope you manage to find her somewhere. Take care.

      Liked by 1 person

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