Aulacomnium palustre

Bog Bead-moss, Bog Groove-moss, Ribbed Bog-moss – let’s just call it Aulacomnium palustre.

Aulacomnium palustre 1

Found this one growing all over Cassindonald bog, where its yellow-green colour stood out.

The stems are like curly-haired brushes, coming to a tip at the top.

Aulacomnium palustre det

Although not seen in the photo, the moss has reddish-brown rhizoids on the stems and the stems are matted together.  The book says that sometimes there are elongated stems with gemmae at the top – didn’t see that.  I must look out for male plants, which look a bit like the “flowers” on Mnium hornum.

The leaves have a nerve, which peters out before the tip.

Mr Watson talks about the rounded cells, each with a prominent knob-like papilla; an unusual thickening in the corners of the cells; and enlarged, coloured cells in the basal angles of the leaf which form orange-brown patches.

moss det1

The patches show up here, but not the other characteristics.

I liked the soft appearance of this moss, and its bright colour.

Aulacomnium palustre


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