Léon Krier and Massimo Scolari, Le désespoir de Janus, 1975 (via archreview)
‘In this collaborative drawing by Léon Krier and Massimo Scolari, two forts face off across a strait. The structures, represented in Scolari’s trademark lurid fantasy style,...

Léon Krier and Massimo ScolariLe désespoir de Janus, 1975 (via archreview

‘In this collaborative drawing by Léon Krier and Massimo Scolari, two forts face off across a strait. The structures, represented in Scolari’s trademark lurid fantasy style, have more than a whiff of Antonio Sant'Elia to them, and with their cantilevered gantries, these industrial-Futurist homages are not unlike the contemporaneous works of the High-Tech architects. Facing the future and the past simultaneously, the despair of Janus is that he is trapped between the two, unable to move forwards or back. It’s an apt description of the Postmodern dilemma represented here; perhaps these are not forts but the towers of some unfinished bridge, standing sentry over a gap that will never be crossed.’

drawing watercolor art architecture bridge fantasy futurism leon krier massimo scolari favorite representation

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