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two cartoon characters are talking to each other with speech bubbles above their heads that read,'try pilaku ni ne nami jut do clie slow? '
two men sitting next to each other in front of another man with his hand on his chin
two men sitting on a bench talking to each other with bottles in front of them
Z pozdrowieniami dla Pinokia
an old man is sitting on the back of a woman
a cartoon depicting two people on laptops and one is looking at another person's face
22 Żarty Dnia, Środa 8 Kwiecień 2020 - Kocham Humor
there are six bottles of wine with the words wina - tuska on them
an older man is holding a dog and has a thought bubble above his head that says, try chuu posanyi?
an image of two people sleeping in bed with the caption's above them
a drawing of a woman laying in bed with her legs crossed and the words westuch pisanek on it
an old woman laying in bed with another person
humor śmieszne zdjęcia dowcipy memy
Play, Caricature, Censored, Boys Playing, Boys
an image of a cartoon scene with cats and dogs talking to each other in bed
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
a woman wearing a white t - shirt with different languages on it
Z mężem jest jak z naleśnikiem,pierwszego trzeba wypie*dolić - Poczpol.pl
Z mężem jest jak z naleśnikiem,pierwszego trzeba wypie*dolić #maz #mążiżona #mąż #zona #żona #naleśniki #nalesniki #nalesnik #koszulkadamska