Hierarchical Architecture

Hierarchical architecture views the whole system as a hierarchy structure, in which the software system is decomposed into logical modules or subsystems at different levels in the hierarchy. This approach is typically used in designing system software such as network protocols and operating systems.

In system software hierarchy design, a low-level subsystem gives services to its adjacent upper level subsystems, which invoke the methods in the lower level. The lower layer provides more specific functionality such as I/O services, transaction, scheduling, security services, etc. The middle layer provides more domain dependent functions such as business logic and core processing services. And, the upper layer provides more abstract functionality in the form of user interface such as GUIs, shell programming facilities, etc.

It is also used in organization of the class libraries such as .NET class library in namespace hierarchy. All the design types can implement this hierarchical architecture and often combine with other architecture styles.

Hierarchical architectural styles is divided as −


The aim of this style is to reuse the modules and freely develop individual modules or subroutine. In this style, a software system is divided into subroutines by using top-down refinement according to desired functionality of the system.

These refinements lead vertically until the decomposed modules is simple enough to have its exclusive independent responsibility. Functionality may be reused and shared by multiple callers in the upper layers.

There are two ways by which data is passed as parameters to subroutines, namely −



Significant advantages of Main-subroutine are — it is easy to decompose the system based on hierarchy refinement. Further, it can be also used in a subsystem of object oriented design.


Main-subroutine has some disadvantages such as tight coupling may cause more ripple effects of changes. Secondly, it contains globally shared data, so it is also vulnerable.


This approach applies the 'divide and conquer' principle and supports fault computation and computational accuracy. It is a modification of the main-subroutine architecture that provides reliability of system and fault tolerance.

In this architecture, slaves provide duplicat services to the master, and the master chooses a particular result among slaves by a certain selection strategy. The slaves may perform the same functional task by different algorithms and methods or totally different functionality. It includes parallel computing in which all the slaves can be executed in parallel.


The implementation of the Master-Slave pattern follows five steps −




Virtual Machine Architecture

Virtual Machine architecture pretends some functionality, which is not native to the hardware and/or software on which it is implemented. A virtual machine is built upon an existing system and provides a virtual abstraction, a set of attributes, and operations.

In virtual machine architecture, the master uses the ‘same’ subservice’ from the slave and performs functions such as split work, call slaves, and combine results. It allows developers to simulate and test platforms, which have not yet been built, and simulate "disaster'' modes that would be too complex, costly, or dangerous to test with the real system.

In most cases, a virtual machine splits a programming language or application environment from an execution platform. The main objective is to provide portability. Interpretation of a particular module via a Virtual Machine may be perceived as −

The following figure shows the architecture of a standard VM infrastructure on a single physical machine.

Virtual Machine Architecture

The hypervisor, also called the virtual machine monitor, runs on the host OS and allocates matched resources to each guest OS. When the guest makes a system-call, the hypervisor intercepts and translates it into the corresponding system-call supported by the host OS. The hypervisor controls each virtual machine access to the CPU, memory, persistent storage, I/O devices, and the network.


Virtual machine architecture is suitable in the following domains −


Because of having the features of portability and machine platform independency, it has following advantages −


Layered Style

In this approach, the system is decomposed into a number of higher and lower layers in a hierarchy, and each layer has its own sole responsibility in the system.

Each layer consists of a group of related classes that are encapsulated in a package, in a deployed component, or as a group of subroutines in the format of method library or header file.

Each layer provides service to the layer above it and serves as a client to the layer below i.e. request to layer i +1 invokes the services provided by the layer i via the interface of layer i. The response may go back to the layer i +1 if the task is completed; otherwise layer i continually invokes services from layer i -1 below.


Layered style is suitable in the following areas −


It has following advantages −


Since, many applications or systems are not easily structured in a layered fashion, so it has following disadvantages −