Jungle Mini

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Ultum Nature Systems Planted Cube Betta Tank Ultum Nature Systems Planted Cube Betta TankUltum Nature Systems Planted Cube Betta TankUltum Nature Systems Planted Cube Betta Tank


An easy planted cube aquarium tank. Utilizing only 3 pieces of Nano Pacific Driftwood, a very simple layout was created. The aquarium driftwood in this case was only meant to help support and separate the growth of the various aquatic plant species chosen. Aquatic plants with similar and complimentary leaf shapes and growing patterns were chosen to produce a sense of cohesive design. Easy-going Cryptocoryne species along with others were paired with a simple foreground of Micranthemum Monte Carlo. Open space was left intentionally to display healthy aquatic plant growth and ultimately invoke a feeling of calm simplicity by skipping an intricate aquarium hardscape layout.


TANK CAPACITY: 2 Gallon Cube
    • Low
    • Low
  • Moderate