90s’ Llanview actress.

Actress Reiko Aylesworth, who played “One Life To Live’s” Rebecca Lewis from 1993 to 1994, has stayed pretty busy since leaving Daytime behind.

Reiko has previously appeared in Primetime and film roles including “Law & Order,” “You’ve Got Mail,” “The Good Wife,” and most recently in “Hawaii Five-0.” Be on the lookout for her new film “Bad Parents,” where she’ll play Laurie.

In case you don’t remember her Llanview character, here’s a refresher…

Rebecca Lewis, sister of Kyle Lewis, and Todd Manning had an unhealthy relationship. Go figure! Though they both cared for one another, Todd’s criminal involvements ended any possible long-term relationship. Powell Lord also had feelings for Rebecca and rescued her after she’d been forced to go on the run with Todd. The two fell in love and even got engaged. Todd snuck in and out of Llanview numerous times, trying to lure Rebecca back into his arms. When Todd realized that Powell had raped a Llanview Hospital nurse, Powell took him hostage and stabbed Todd repeatedly. Rebecca couldn’t believe she hadn’t seen Powell for the crazed man he was and left town. It wasn’t until years later, in 2009, when Rebecca, recast by Jessica Kaye, resurfaced and shockingly helped Powell escape a mental institution in order to terrorize Llanview as the KAD Killer.

Take a look back at a scene where Rebecca tries explaining to Powell about her connection to Todd…