John Lennon, Acton Station, 1964

David Hurn: "I desperately needed a head shot of John so I asked him to pose when the day’s filming had ended. Even though he was very obliging and co-operative he never really grasped the fact that a photographer needs to take time to set up the shot and then take a number of shots to get the perfect result. With all of the Beatles you had to be very quick because they wouldn’t stand around waiting for you. I only had a second to get this.“

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Who am I?My name is Hanne. I’m in my late twenties and a relatively recent convert to Beatledom. Maybe that explains why I’m trying so frantically to catch up with the rest of the pack. I’m Belgian, started this blog when I was living in New Zealand, and am currently living in Liverpool Helsinki! It seems I’m doing a lot of moving countries these days.T
Why am I doing this?Short answer: Because I like it. Long answer: Because I really like it. And because I noticed that in every book I bought there would be at least a few pictures I hadn’t seen anywhere else. There will be a lot of rehash of well-known pictures on this blog, but if I do my job right there will hopefully also be a lot of new things. And lastly, just because it makes me happy to share the photos with people who will love them as much as I do.
Why the dating?Because dating errors in Beatle books are sadly more the norm than the exception. I fully realise I’m still very new at this and will inevitably make mistakes. I try to double check the dates on any pictures I post, but if anyone has a correction to make on the dating (or placing) of a picture I’ve posted I will be more than happy to edit the post and credit you with the proper date. Really, don’t be shy. I love being corrected.
Why do I watermark?I didn’t used to, but as I posted more and more scans I noticed other people on Tumblr were reposting them as their own almost immediately after I put them up. The watermark is not in any way meant to take away from the photographers (who I try to credit when I can), it’s simply a way to keep myself sane, because it got to be incredibly disheartening to spend an hour or two every day behind my scanner only to see it all re-posted as soon as I put it up. I do my best to keep the watermark off to the side and non-intrusive to the picture. I’d like to add here that if anyone wants an un-watermarked version of a picture to print or simply to add to their collection, they only need to drop me a note in my Ask. This applies to people both on and off Tumblr. If you don’t have a Tumblr account, I always allow anonymous messaging; just give me an email address to send it to. It’s still about sharing the love. Don’t be shy to contact me, just let me know which ones you need and I’ll send them through.
Where do I get my scans from?I have a full list of the books and magazines I’ve scanned from here: I try to keep it updated.
How can you find a specific scan?I’ve compiled separate tag-lists for different topics. They can be found at the bottom of my sidebar. Years: Pictures sub-divided by year, from 1940 until 1970. Locations: Pictures sub-divided by the location where they were taken. It’s a rough list, but it gives you some sort of idea. People: Pictures sub-divided by who is in them or who took them. Searching for any one of the Beatles will inevitably give a very long list so if you’re looking for a particular shot of them, it’s best to choose one of the other categories. Movies: Pictures to do with A Hard Day’s Night, Help!, or Magical Mystery Tour. Just those three for now. I’ll probably extend it to the other movies at some point. A quick way to check whether I have something on any given subject is also just to try the search bar (make sure to use full names!), or to write “/tagged/your_search_word_here” behind my url. Or just ask me, of course! I’m always happy to help.
How can you contact me?You can leave short messages in my “Ask”, by clicking the “Talk to the Gilly” button or just leave a comment below a picture. Alternatively, you can always drop me an email at I love hearing from people!
How many roads must a man walk down?Forty-two.
Talk to the Gilly