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Fingon the Valiant, head of the House of Finwe in Endor, was the father of the Ereinion named Gil-galad. In the First Age, he was Noldor's High King. He was considered to have the most eminent jurisdiction among his people. Both Sindar and Noldor kingdoms honor him. His title as the Elves' High King in Endor seems apt. He had obtained and deserved recognition. He was known as Eldar’s King, King of Lindon, High Elves of the West’s King, Eriador’s Lord, and High Elves’ Lord. Gil-galad had an essential role in the War of the Last Alliance. It was the alliance between Mean and Elves against the Dark Lord, Sauron. The war ended only after twelve years. It was divided into four parts. He was responsible for building an allegiance to the King of all the Dunedain named Elendil. It was later known as the Elves and Men's Last Alliance. The loss of his life resulted in the crumbling of Noldorin's realms in the whole Endor. During a Third of Age, many had chosen to stay at the Elven town, Rivendell, despite everything that has happened. Loyalty knows no bounds.​

His Life Story Untold

The First of Age

During the Battle of the Sudden Flame [1] and Battle of the Unnumbered Tears, he was still considered a youngling. These battles were the fourth and fifth battle waged against Morgoth. It all adds up to the ultimate War of the Jewels. It was estimated that he must have been born in the First Age of the fifth century. He was part of the Fingolfin House because his father was Fingon. Nargothrond was his home. It was an Elven underground fortress and city. He was forced out of it when it was destroyed in the war. He managed to escape to Sirion's Mouths, located in West Beleriand. The King of Gondolin, Turgon, was slain during the battle of Gondolin's armies against Morgoth's forces. It was known as the Fall of Gondolin. Later on, Gil-galad inherited the sovereignty of Noldor. He received the news of Haven's getting ransacked by Feanor's sons, a little overdue. They committed slaying of their own.

Before he could intervene, the war was done and over with. The perpetrators were already fleeing the place. The people who survived Sirion were able to join Gil-galad. They went together, going to Balar. Gil-galad found out about the imprisonment of the half-elven brothers, Elros and Elrond. The Lord of Rivendell and the King of Numenor. After the Great Battle, the rest of Feanor's sons were nowhere to be found. They disappeared completely. The eldest son named Maedhros took his life by his own hands. The second son, Maglor, chose to vanish. Elros and Elros were the only ones left. Gil-galad offered to have Elron under his line. But he has chosen to join the Elf classification.​

In the Second Age

Ereinion Gil-galad.Ereinion Gil-galad.
In the first year of this age, the High King has chosen to stay at Elron. He then put up Lindon. The structure's built and its form is stable and safe from intruders. The extent of the building extends to the eastern parts and as to Hithaeglir. It stretches to the westward of the Wood of Greenleaves. [2] The rest of the remaining and surviving Eldar chose to stay in Lindon. Some have resided in Rivendell's refuge of Elrond. The Men of Numeron had an allegiance with Gil-galad. He had a pact with the Mariner known as Tar-Aldarion and was the sixth King of Numenor, Elendil the Tall and Elf-friends. Gil-galad's rule as the Noldor's High King took place in the Second Age. Tar-Aldarion, Numenor's High King, shared the seedlings of the trees for mallorn or mellyrn to Gil-galad.

The seedlings refused to develop in his domain. He decided to give it to Galadriel right before she went to Lindon. The Lady carried them, and when she finally arrived at Lindorinand, she was able to plant them. The seedlings sprouted. The place was later on called Lorien of Blossom or Lothlorien. Elrond and Gil-galad stumbled upon a stranger that approached them directly. He was named Sauron, who claimed that he was the Gift Lord. His choice of words and what he offers was entirely believable, but he was starting to feel suspicious of the stranger. He was quick to reveal his refusal of the offerings.

He sent messages to everyone. He warned them about the stranger and people should avoid him at once. He was certain that Sauron was not telling the truth, and he can't be trusted. Sauron was using the name Annatar to hide his true identity. It was part of his disguise. Despite Gil-galad's notice, Sauron was still accepted in the kingdom of Noldorin Elves, Hollin. He did not waste time, and he trained the elven smiths in the craft of making the rings. These rings were no ordinary piece of fashion, and they were rooted in power. Each of the rings has a specific strength. Some have less than others.

But there are a few that, even if used alone is still powerful. The suspicion of the High King was proven to have some to it. Sauron deceived the elven-smiths into doing his bidding. He will use the rings for his ambition to conquer the entirety of Endor. Celebrimbor is a master smith and is also a prince of Noldorin. He trusted rings he made to Gil-galad. It was Narya and Vilya or known as the Ring of Sapphire. Before leaving for a battle, Gil-galad gave the rings to Nowe, his lieutenant, and Rivendell's Lord, Elrond. Sauron and Gil-galad had a long history of waging battles with each other. Gil-galad had formed allegiances that helped him. Numenor's people were helping him. Later on, the eleventh King of Numenor, Tar-Minastir, had aided Gil-galad.

He sent reinforcements when he was being seized. It put a dent on Sauron's troops. They were being matched and almost overwhelmed by Tar-Minastir's legion of the army. It came to a point when Sauron was nearly captured. He hardly managed to flee with one of his minions. He decided to go to Melkor and recuperate. He bided his time and plotted what horrible things he will unleash onto Dunedain. The Numenoreans sought him out. They were successful in capturing Sauron and bringing him back to their home as a captive.

Sauron lost his chance of destroying Gil-galad. He was reigning in his kingdom peacefully and freely. His power increased and developed over time. When Sauron found out, he was alarmed when he finally came back to civilization after being trapped in Numenor. When Numenor was destroyed, Sauron had his chance of escaping, and he managed to do that. The remaining Numenoreans who survived were the loyalists or the faithful ones. They came to Endor and managed to put up their realms. The genuine relationship they had among the Elves remained untouched. Gil-Galad and Elendil managed to get advice from each other. They were plotting what to expect from the Dark Lord. They came up with an offensive strategy. They would prepare whatever troops they could muster and charged towards Sauron while he was licking his wounds and not in full strength. Sauron arose again in Endor.

Gil-galad's shield.Gil-galad's shield.
His realm, Melkor, followed in his rising. They were preparing for something significant to happen. Gil-galad and Elendil allied and combined their troops to start preparing for Sauron's return. During the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, all their troops fought against Sauron's forces on multiple occasions. It was how they retaliated to Sauron's threat of power. The last of Noldor’s High King, he was known to have his glaive as his choice of weapon called Aiglos.

The name means snow point. It was feared by many. The sight of it brings fear. During the last moments of the battle, the allied forces went inside Melkor and charged towards Sauron's Dark Fortress. They found Sauron, the High King, and Elendil fought Sauron personally. The tandem caused enough damage to Sauron that it resulted in his body getting destroyed. They caused wounds he could not recover from fast enough. The tandem has sustained injuries that were quite severe as well. The tandem's sacrifice gave the High King of Gondor and Arnor, Isildur, to cut the ring from Sauron's hand. Because of the intense heat coming off from the hand of Sauron, Gil-galad got poorly burned. It caused his death, and his soul went to Mandos' halls. The High King had no spouse or any heir to his throne. The sovereignty to Noldor was passed on to Nowe the Shipwright. He became Lindon's and Grey Havens' Lord.​


Gil-galad's equivalent name in Common Eldarin is Artanaro. In the Sindarin language, it's counterpart is Rodnor. It was said that his original name from birth is Ereinion. It translates to the Kings’ Sons. Itw as derived from ion, which means son and erain means kings. In the Elven tongue, Gil-galad's meaning is Radiant Star. It was derived from the word gil and galad, which means light and radiance.​


Gil-galad's armor.Gil-galad's armor.
There were different accounts of Gil-galad's ancestry in the writings of Tolkien. The name Finduilas was assigned to be Gil-galad's sister and the daughter of Orodreth. Orodreth was initially named as Artaresto. In the end, it became the namesake of Finrod's nephew and Gil-galad's father. According to Middle Earth's History, there were a few entries that mentioned that Gil-galad had been Finrod Felagund's son temporarily. Finrod's spouse and son were sent away to Beleriand's western coast for their protection. The Lady of Lothlorien's wood was Finrod's daughter and the sister of the High King.

Tolkien changed his mind and made Finrod's character as an unwed and has no heirs. Orodreth's father was Angrod. He had a Sindarin wife from the northern areas, and they had two offsprings. It was Gil-galad and Finduilas. Later on, she called his son Rodnor. Tolkien initially decided that Gil-galad would be Feanor's scion. In the Unfinished Tales and The Silmarillion, his father was Fingon. Gil-galad, as Fingon's son, was only noted by Tolkien.

It was only suggested. But, in the written book of Tolkien's son, he was described as Fingon's son. After the Battle of the Sudden Flame and Beleriand's ruin, Gil-galad's grandfather, named Fingolfin, belonged to the casualties of the war. His father became the successor to the throne, and he was sent to Falas' Havens. This was one of Tolkien's subplots when he was contemplating Gil-galad being Finrod's son. After the Battle of the Unnumbered Tears' epic failure, the throne was passed on to Turgon, brother of Fingon. Melkor attacked the Elves in full-on charge after the end of the war. Nowe and the High King barely got out and sailed directly towards Balar's Isle. The news reached the Isle about the ruin of the realm of Gondolin and losing Turgon. Eventually, Gil-galad ascended to the throne.

Tolkien's son altered the name of Gil-galad to follow the story line's consistency in his written works. Christopher, later on, admitted that the family tracing of the High King was a mistake. He also added that if the ancestry of the High King remained unclear, it would have resulted in a better outcome. In the final drafting, it was decided by Tolkien that Gil-galad would be Orodreth's son. The change also cascaded to Finarfin's son being Angrod's son in the end. But these changes were never carried on to The Silmarillion. It would require a lot of alteration in the written works. If the conception was to be carried out, if he were Orodreth's son, there would be no way for him to be the High King since the succession is under Fingolfin's house. In Silmarillion, the High King had the succession to the throne as both Fingon and Fingolfin’s son.​

Depiction in Adaptations


In the first installment of the movie series, the death of the High King was omitted. His appearance was only short-lived, and it was during his fight with a troop of orcs. He was one who wore Vilya or the Ring of Sapphire.​

Computer Games

  • In the version of the game from LEGO, Gil-galad is included in the options of characters players can use. His character can be purchased in a cave found in Melkor. His appearance was based on his character in the film adaptation. Unfortunately, his known weapon was not included in this game. Instead, he is wielding an Elven sword and shield.​
  • In the online version of the series, Gil-galad's appearance is only included in some of the flashbacks from the Last Alliance's War. [3] Gil-galad's last moments of his life are more realistic in the written works compared to the movie adaptations. It shows Gil-galad with Elendil fighting their way to Sauron. When they fought Sauron firsthand, they caused fatal wounds to the Dark Lord at the expense of both of them.​
  • From the version of Monolith's Production, Endor's Shadow, Talion found Mount Doom's stone. Later on, Celebrimbor will witness the death of Gil-galad on Mount Doom's slopes. This indicates that Celebrimbor was watching from a dimension where his spirit. In the second part of the game called War Shadow, the spear of Gil-galad will be used by Celebrimbor and Talion. Most likely, being retrieved from its dormant place.​


  • In the books, Gil-galad appeared in The Fellowship of the Ring, History of Middle-earth, Unfinished Tales and The Silmarillion.
  • In the movie adaptations, he only appeared in The Fellowship of the Ring. [4]


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Biographical info

Other Names (a.k.a)
Artanáro, Rodnor, Ereinion Gil-galad
High King of the Noldor
c. F.A. 455 Unknown
SA 3441
Quenya and Sindarin
Havens of Sirion, Lindon
Orodreth & unnamed Sindarin lady

Physical information

Possibly golden

