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The Skinny On The Skinny Tummy Tuck

September 21, 2023 | Tummy Tuck

Skinny Tummy Tuck Patient 1

For many, the mention of a ‘tummy tuck’ evokes images of patients with significant excess abdominal skin or fat. But here’s something you might not be aware of: fit, slim individuals too can benefit from a tummy tuck specifically designed for their unique needs – the “Skinny Tummy Tuck.”


Even those who are in great shape sometimes face concerns such as loose skin, abdominal bulge resulting from muscle laxity or diastasis, and stretch marks. The Skinny Tummy Tuck is tailored to address these concerns without radically altering the overall physique of the patient.

And while performing a tummy tuck on a thin patient might seem counterintuitive, when combined with liposuction, the results can be transformative.

Skinny Tummy Tuck Patient 1


  1. Ultra-low scar: Ensuring minimal visible post-surgery signs.
  2. Use of Exparel “Say No to Pain”: Pioneering the use of Exparel, a pain management solution that ensures patient comfort during recovery.
  3. Triple Plication Internal Waist Trainer: Also referred to as the ‘internal corset’, it provides a more defined waistline by tightening the abdominal muscles.
  4. Liposuction 360: Comprehensive liposuction that contours the entire midsection for a sculpted appearance.
  5. Removal of excess mons fat: Prevents a post-surgical bulge, ensuring a seamless aesthetic result.
  6. Quilting sutures: Accelerates recovery by minimizing fluid accumulation and allowing quicker drain removal.
  7. Optional rib repositioning: An innovative technique for those seeking an even smaller waistline.
  8. Additional Procedures: For those looking to further enhance their results, Dr. Agullo offers additional options like the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) or the Mommy Makeover to be done concurrently.


To ensure the best recovery and results, lymphatic drainage massages are recommended after the procedure. These massages promote healing, reduce swelling, and speed up the overall recovery process. Pressure garments are also advised to support the newly contoured region and minimize swelling.

In essence, the Skinny Tummy Tuck is a testament to the fact that cosmetic surgery isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s about personalizing procedures to the individual needs of the patient, ensuring not just aesthetic enhancement but also boosting self-confidence. With world-renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Frank Agullo, MD at the helm, patients can rest assured they’re in the best hands for a transformative experience.


Remember, it’s not about changing who you are but refining and enhancing to feel your best self. If you’re considering a Skinny Tummy Tuck or any other cosmetic procedure, always seek the expertise of experienced professionals like Dr. Agullo. Call us today at 915-590-7900 to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards achieving beautiful, natural-looking buttocks. Alternatively, you can fill out our contact form online.