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9 Gen Z Influencers Who Have the Dreamiest, Most Aesthetic Rooms

These internet stars lounge ~in style.~
by Kate Detoya   |  Oct 3, 2022
Image: (LEFT TO RIGHT) YouTube/Ashley Garcia, YouTube/Aika Agustin
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Your room is where you should most feel at ease. It’s that one spot in your house where you can rest and destress from work or school responsibilities. And decorating your space with pleasing aesthetics classifies as a form of therapy that would get that serotonin pumping and improve your mood. But before revamping your personal space, you might want to look into the rooms of Gen Z influencers for room decor inspo so you can live ~in style.~

To help you get started, here are nine Gen Z influencers who have the most aesthetic rooms:

1. Bella Racelis

If you’re into the clean aesthetic with muted-colored accents like Bella, nothing says young and cute more than pastels. Her tip: Add in some  inspirational quotes all over the room so you can have a daily dose of affirmations to  help you achieve a zen state at home.

2. Ashley Garcia


Think of a country-era Taylor Swift room but more modern, and you have Ashley’s room—complete with knitted items, displayed cameras, polaroid photos, a vinyl record player, a low bed, and neon lights. She also has an area for an outfit check where she keeps a clothing rack and a full-length mirror, as expected from a fashion and lifestyle influencer.

3. Niña Stephanie Guerrero

Niña’s room is a minimalist’s dream. It’s super organized and has just enough trinkets to showcase her personality. In fact, she keeps a shelf where she puts her favorite things so her viewers can get a read on what she’s like. 

4. Ciara Gan 

If you try to visualize a comfy space, Ciara's room is probably what comes to mind. It's designed like a cabin with dark wooden brick walls. It also has that bookworm meets countryside feel, particularly with the proud display of a hanging vintage lamp and cascading vines.

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5. Aika Agustin

The  distinguishing features of Aika’s Japanese minimalist room are in its details—from the dainty pattern of her bed to the green lines on her tatami mat. Her nature-inspired room looks like an excellent place to unwind after a long day.

6. Esnyr Ranollo

If you like your room cozy and luxurious like a hotel room, Esnyr’s charming bedroom would please you. He combined warm colors like beige, nude, and cream to give that feeling of comfort. Fun fact: This is actually the very first bedroom that Esnyr owned. 

7. Shaina Denniz

If you're fascinated by celestial bodies like Shaina seems to be, a moon-themed room might be your thing. She has an interesting set of unique moon-cut mirrors, a small crescent moon-patterned wall hanging decor, and a massive tapestry with a print of mountains, stars, and letterings of the word 'the moon.' To fully immerse herself in the room's vibe, she has LED lights lining her ceiling and a kaleidoscopic lamp. If you're a gamer, it's also hard not to take notice of her adorable pink gaming setup.


8. Sophia Margarette To

Every corner of Sophia’s room looks posh. It has that understated elegant appeal that doesn’t intimidate with its flamboyance. The neutral tones help tone down its opulence, but the fur carpet and the gold accents in the room will always be a tell-tale of class. Sophia also has a collection of vinyl records as someone who is an old soul.

9. Angel Veridiano

Angel’s vintage witch cottage-themed room looks very artsy and shabby chic. It has an art wall of her works directly above the bed and dried flowers tastefully placed around the room, including the door. The overall space has that free-spirit preppy look going for it.

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Kate Detoya
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