Left: Ted Kaczynski (1942-) while a lecturer at UC Berkeley (Photo: Wikimedia Commons). Right: Kaczynski’s 1969 paper “The set of curvilinear convergence of a continuous function defined in the interior of a cube”in the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 23(2), pp. 323–327.

The Mathematics of Ted Kaczynski

Jørgen Veisdal
Cantor’s Paradise
7 min readMar 16, 2020


Disclaimer: As should be fairly evident, this essay is in no way meant to glorify Ted Kaczynski. Rather, it was written with two goals in mind: 1. To orient to reality some of the myths of Kaczynski's "genius" and 2. To illustrate yet another example of a mathematician whose abstract endeavours ultimately defeated him.

Before terrorist Theodore John Kaczynski (1942-) began sending mail-bombs to faculty…

