
Jennifer Lopez Served an Uncharacteristically Spicy and Innuendo-Laced Halloween Treat

“For all you horny little devils out there.”
Jennifer Lopez

Usually, Jennifer Lopez is pretty straightforward with her sexiness, which we all love, of course. But what a treat to see her give us a little wink and a nod and a double entendre or two.

In a short clip posted to her Instagram, J.Lo tries her hand at bartending—using her Delola cocktails, obviously—and shows her followers how to mix up a devilish little Halloween-themed treat. “For all you horny little devils out there 🌶️🍷😈,” the actor wrote in the caption.

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Okay, so Lopez doesn't actually do any real cocktail mixing here, but she does pour her Delola vodka cocktail over ice and adds a spooky garnish. “All you're gonna need to make it Halloween-ready is these red chili peppers,” Lopez says, before slicing two whole peppers and adding them to either side of the rim of the glass so they look like devil's horns. But wait! There's more!

Lopez raises her glass to the camera and poof! Suddenly she's wearing a metallic, red devil costume. “Cheers,” Lopez says, swirling her tail around in her hand. “Gives it a little spice right there.”

And just when we thought Jennifer Lopez wasn't dressing up for Halloween at all this year!