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Off-Limits #4

Bittersweet Memories

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When her boyfriend breaks her heart, Alanna goes after his older brother in a quest for revenge.

It would have been simple — if he wasn’t also her new boss.

As they work together it soon becomes clear Silas knows more about her than he should.

He knows about the past she's forgotten and the memories that evade her... but some secrets are better left buried.

442 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 8, 2022

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About the author

Catharina Maura

22 books11.6k followers
Catharina Maura is a USA Today and Amazon #1 bestselling author. She writes angsty, fast-paced contemporary romance novels that break your heart before they lead you to a hard-won happily ever after.

Cat lives in Hong Kong with her husband and a dozen houseplants that all have names. When she isn't daydreaming about future characters, she's exploring the world and seeking out new adventures.

You can find Cat's socials and latest updates here: https://hi.catharinamaura.com/bio

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October 23, 2022

UPDATE (please read if you decide to be a hater LOL)

I really don’t care if you don’t agree with me, please stop commenting ?? like I don’t need your negativity clogging my notifs. please get a life if all you do is argue with some random depressed college student on goodreads omg.


ok well

me in the beginning: wow this guy’s not a creep, he clearly cares for her as a sister

the mmc one chapter later: “She looks up at me, her expression so deceptively innocent yet alluring. Does she realize how beautiful she is? She’s only sixteen, and she already looks like a vixen.”



electric chair.

man there is a 5 year age difference ,,,, he is 21 years of age ??? finding an actually teenage attractive

where do authors get off writing casual pedophilia I don’t understand???
Profile Image for Koryne.
105 reviews27 followers
July 10, 2022
i loved silas but i didn’t love how even though he was looking for her he still slept around and had an on/of girlfriend. or that the ow was brought up SO much. but that’s just me being picky. i would prefer my H be celibate for five years since he started his entire company to find her instead of everyone talking about he always slept around and he didn’t even bring it up. just that they basically scratched an itch. still loved it though!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,266 reviews14.9k followers
March 7, 2023
Amnesia romance!? It takes years for them to be together romance!? Obsessed. I loved the beginning watching these two fall for each other slowly. Then, we get a bit of a time jump, which, of course, I was obsessed with. I loved how our hero was determined to have a future with the heroine and would do anything in his power to get her. I also loved how she was off limits to him as well and THE DRAMA. I couldn't get enough of this book!
Profile Image for S.
68 reviews
April 18, 2023
I dnf'd this book after about 5 chapters, but briefly read the conversations between the MCs for another couple of chapters.


This book is the BIGGEST ick. I'm genuinely concerned for those of you who rated it above 3 stars.

The characters meet at 13 (F) and 18 (M), right away he calls her "sweet girl". We then skip two years later (15 and 20 roughly), he calls her "my love", "darling", "sweet girl", "baby", "little girl", and at one point says "She's only sixteen, and she already looks like a vixen." -- blank stare. I don't think I need to go on (but I will). He's CONSTANTLY mentioning her curves, roaming his gaze over her, looking down at her lips, calling her beautiful, pressing her against him, holding her waist, caressing her thigh and cheek, etc.

And the icing on the cake, the ickiest of all icks, the straight to jail card:

"Have you ever sucked dick, sweet girl?" -- keep in mind they're still 15 and 20.

Another one of my favourite lines (sarcasm):

“I’m sorry, Alanna. You’re right. I have been treating you the way I would others your age, but it’s undeserved and unwarranted. I won’t do it again, okay?” UNDESERVED? UNWARRANTED? To treat a 15 year old... like a 15 year old? When you're a whole ass 20 year old grown man.

He groomed/is grooming her. Don't argue with me.

I didn't waste enough of my time to find out whether they get together when she's 18... but I don't need to read it to know what's going to happen.

Send this man to jail!

Also, the audacity of TikTok to continuously put booktoks of this book on my TikTok? Get out. And... I see you people in the comments of the TikToks saying he's a whole ass green flag and that you love him. Stop it. Get some help. Seriously.
15 reviews4 followers
July 11, 2022
This review is basically a spoiler so definitely don’t read it if you don’t want that

Lots of mixed feelings around this book, it was beautiful and devastating up until about half way through when you learn how much he’s been fucking about the whole time he’s been pining/searching/building this life for her, cheapened their connection for me and really made me question whether I wanted to finish the book at all. It seems so out of character for Silas, and I also found it hard to believe he would let Raven touch him intimately in his office when he knew Alanna was right there and also wouldn’t feel guilty about hurting her?

Like I get him being hurt and devastated over her relationship with his brother but at the same time she had no idea they had history together, whereas he’s been actively searching for her ever since she disappeared. I just found it unbelievable that he would be able to fuck so many other women whilst going through what he was going through.
I finished the book, I continued to see if it was some sort of front or misunderstanding but I wasn’t invested after it was all confirmed that he’d just casually become the town bike whilst being madly in love with someone. That whole plot line just had me questioning how genuine Silas was, because for the first half of the book the guy was so devoted and yeah it was a major ice bath.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for O’rion Risher.
308 reviews3 followers
July 13, 2022
DNF. There’s SOOOOO MUCH over-explaining everything in this book. And repeating the same thing.

For instance, he suggests they keep her staying with him a secret. Then, she says she doesn’t want anyone to know she’s staying with him. Then he’s shocked when she asks him to stop before they get to work so no one sees them together.
It’s like this frequently throughout the book and really the first half took FOREVER.

Then, both of them have like the SAME STORY. Both lose a mother, then they both lose their father and both become homeless directly after losing their father. Both want to pursue the same career. Both want to go to the same college. Both go to the same shelter. Both came from a very wealthy family….

I got halfway through and I just couldn’t waste any more time. I could ignore the similarities in the characters if there wasn’t so much repetition in the wording and the over-explaining everything.
Profile Image for Melluvsbooks.
1,353 reviews
Shelved as 'dnf'
August 12, 2022
DNF @ 42% - huge and numerous plot holes.
Lots of random info thrown out but with nothing in the story to back it up or make it make sense. h sleeps with the H’s brother…. Unknowingly, but it was the last straw… now she’s trying to have revenge sex with the H, who is all but a stranger to her at this point in the book. I can’t handle 60% more of this.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Author 23 books98 followers
July 2, 2022
Wow! Over 500 pages and I could not put it down! I read it straight through ignoring everything that I needed to get done!

I don't think any book has ever ripped my heart out and pieced it back together quite like this one. When I started reading it I thought it was straight forward. Girl gets treated badly and she gets revenge by sleeping with his older brother. But it's SOOO much more than that! I'm not going to be the one that leaves spoilers in a review but this is a very developed storyline with many twists and turns.

I laughed, I cried, and cried, and cried a little more, and then smiled. It's an angsty book so be prepared for that. But it's worth it all!

Cat has a knack for creating twists that you never saw coming, this book is no different. I think it's her best book to date. I cannot wait to see what's next!

Oh and be prepared to fall in love with Si. The lengths he goes to for love will give you all the feels over and over again!

I was provided an arc for my honest review.
Profile Image for Gabrielle Delacourt.
Author 4 books55 followers
August 6, 2022
Dnf 21%
I tried. I really tried but nope. I had high hopes for this book.
I do want characters to struggle. I don’t want their lives to be all sunshine and rainbows because that’s just not realistic… but to kill not one, but two parents close together is cruel. That’s just one thing.
SECOND I CANNOT get over the fact that she is 16. FUCKING 16 dating a 21…22? Year old. Okay not dating but like interested in and I’m sorry but that’s a hard line for me. She’s still a minor technically and it’s lightweight predatorial. I wanted to like this because I found it on tiktok but In 12 chapters, that still hadn’t happened and she’s still 16 and people be dying and nope.
Sorry. I have feelings. I really really wanted to like this. It felt like it was going to be good, but sadly it failed and fell short for me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Caroline F.
2,228 reviews44 followers
July 11, 2022
This is definitely one of my favourite reads of the year!

"You're a ray of sunshine, a ray of light, a ray of hope in an otherwise dark, bleak world. You're enough to illuminate my path, yet I always want more."

Silas Sinclair and Alanna Jones meet on one of the worst days of their lives. It was brief but left a lasting impression. Two years later, when they meet again, Silas is in a very different place. However, a solid, deep bond of friendship forms between them, which deepens with time, until one heartbreaking moment rips them apart. Years later, Alanna comes back into Silas' life, but she no longer knows him and, worse, she belongs to someone else.

"He looks at me like I'm his every dream come true."

Oh my heart! This story was such a roller coaster of events and emotions. It was tragic and desperate, yet also filled with so much hope and optimism as love blossomed in the tundra of life. The blurb doesn't prepare you for the story that unfolds. I was completely hooked by Silas and Alanna's journey. Silas was ever hopeful and determined. He was stoic, powerful and commanding, but with such a vulnerable, gentle core. Alanna was stubborn and so strong in the face of adversity. Their story was complicated and mired in mystery and machinations. Their connection was intense and destined, and showcased that love truly conquers all. Such a fabulous read!

Blog: https://readingwillingable.blogspot.c...

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/review/R3BHYBC...
Profile Image for Tori - Novel Life.
1,464 reviews1,560 followers
February 13, 2023
This one started off so well for me but after about the 45% mark, things just felt off with the story. I felt such chemistry between the characters at the beginning of the book but after the time jump, I didn’t feel anything. It was like the first part of the book didn’t happen. It was all about the sex between them and no love and chemistry they had before.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,145 reviews13.2k followers
June 11, 2023
You are my first love, Alanna… but more importantly, you’ll be my last.”

I've had this on my TBR for what's felt like forever. I was in the mood for something angsty and so I dove in. But this was not quite what I thought it would be from the blurb.

Was it angsty? Not really. Mostly it was just highly underwhelming. I enjoyed the first half, though it was also missing something to really fully grab me. But the second half was so lackluster that I lost most interest. Now it did keep me invested enough to keep reading to see how it all ends. But on the flip side, I almost wish I stopped reading at the 40% mark like I originally wanted to. Le sigh.

Reading reviews, some are upset that Silas was with another woman in the 5 years he and Alanna spent apart. That part didn't bother me. But the lack of development in both characters and their complete 180 turns in the second half, did. Their romance was super sweet, which isn't always my cuppa, but I found it endearing here. But everything that I found endearing about them in the first half was missing for me in the second.

Silas went from living in a homeless shelter to being a billionaire business owner in 5 years, which is hardly believable, but I looked past it. His personality switch from sweet to cocky was harder to believe. I wasn't anticipating the amnesia plot device here but I could have enjoyed it if it was wrapped up in a way that felt less sudden and needing it to be wrapped up with a pretty bow. We get absolutely no insight on Silas outside of his love for Alanna. It's convenient time jump that makes him a connected billionaire, though I still don't fully understand what his business does. I almost wish it wasn't referenced at all rather than the halfway insight we get which is riddled with plot holes. The whole brother thing was more of a distraction and just felt off and by the 60% mark I was entirely over all of it. It was interesting enough to keep me reading to the end, but ultimately nothing memorable or anything I'd ever come back to. Just one of those meh sort of reads that I neither loved nor hated.

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Profile Image for Christi (christireadsalot).
2,204 reviews852 followers
May 10, 2023
Bittersweet Memories is the 4th and final book in Catharina Maura’s Off-Limits series and this is the one I always hear people recommend! I recently binged the whole series and was looking forward to this one as I feel like each book in the series got better and better! And that was definitely true with this book, I loved it.

We see Alanna and Silas first meet when they’re both teenagers, after his father’s recent death Silas becomes homeless and living in a shelter. He and Alanna become fast friends and we see them really connect over the next few years. When Alanna’s father ends up passing away as well and insurance fraud comes into play, she finds herself moving into the shelter too. I loved seeing Alanna and Silas fall for one another, their friendship and then romance was so sweet to see and I just believed in their connection right away. When Alanna ends up getting into a car accident and losing her memories, the story definitely takes a turn!

The story cuts to 5 years later and Alanna has amnesia from her past, she remembers nothing but is happy with her current life and boyfriend. That is until his half brother, Silas comes into the picture and she feels conflicted about him. The tension it created because of her lack of memories and Silas not telling her who he is, was just so good!! I really enjoyed this one and seeing how it all played out! I’m so glad I read this series but they can definitely be read as standalones if you just want to read this one!
Profile Image for marylife.
122 reviews115 followers
March 4, 2024
4. 5⭐️s

This was so messy i loved it. I love Silas so much he freaking tops the windsor men frrr. If my man doesn’t built a security company after i went missing i don’t want it.

Also i wish i read this book before reading the Windsor series aaahhh. Im
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,548 reviews552 followers
August 19, 2023
Not quite the revenge plot the blurb describes. Yes, she breaks up with her jerk BF, younger brother to the H, but does everything to hide the new "relationship" in order not to hurt his feelings.

Turn offs were: sibling to sibling sex, unlikeable characters, and a hero who is supposedly infatuated but still plays games.

From what I've read, it seems very Catharina Maura in tone.
Profile Image for Taylor.
216 reviews121 followers
July 17, 2022
rating: 3.25/5?

I have trouble rating this one because there were moments that I LOVED in this book, and moments that felt completely off based on the first half of the book. The writing was amazing, and I truly think that this is one of Catharina Maura's most stunning works. The story was a rollercoaster ride of emotions, but ultimately the plot felt all over the place and inconsistent to me.

The rest of this review will be sorta spoiler-y so proceed with caution.

Ultimately, even though this book wasn't my favorite in the Off-Limits series, I still thought that it was an interesting read. I am still a Catharina Maura STAN and will pick up anything she writes!
Profile Image for kara.
449 reviews33 followers
January 9, 2023
3 stars ✧

“We’re a disaster in the making, but what a beautiful sight it’ll be.” 𐮙𐬺•.*

I liked the premise but this just kinda dragged and i was confused with the timeline. so this was okay, i guess?
Profile Image for Travelogged Blogs.
1,108 reviews111 followers
May 18, 2023
“You are my first love, Alanna… but more importantly, you’ll be my last.”

I can't begin to explain how angsty this book was. Seeing Silas go through so much pain when Alanna couldn't remember something trivial about their past was agonising. But the swoons were also endless. If Silas was possessive, you should check out how possessive Alanna could get. I just loved her brand of crazy. I liked them together and I felt like squealing when they found their way back to each other. The things that Silas did for Alanna has sneaked him into the list of my top book boyfriends! The book was long but nothing felt slowed, the pacing was perfect and I was intrigued throughout the entire book which kept me seated. I would definitely recommend this book if you like the Amnesia trope.
Profile Image for Lu Bielefeld .
4,252 reviews536 followers
June 4, 2023
3 ⭐⭐⭐ - OK or decent reads
Nothing in life is guaranteed, you can lose everything at any time.
I liked the story. Remember to suspend disbelief at various points as the story unfolds. But I found them both cute and their love was beautiful.
I liked the author's writing and was hooked.

PS: Our heroine became super friends with Raven, since she was the hero's girlfriend and they had sex for years on and off... it didn't sit well with me.
Profile Image for Luce.
428 reviews213 followers
March 6, 2024

I've been intrigued by Alanna & Silas' story since I started the Windsor series.

I do find Catharina Maura's writing to be on the immature side, and some of the dialogue her MMC's comes out with feels super immature and yet... they're weirdly addicting books.

This was probably one of her best books that I've read plot wise and I enjoyed both our main characters.
Profile Image for Katelynn.
788 reviews21 followers
July 5, 2022
This is hands down my favorite book of the entire series! Silas crosses paths with young Alanna at one of their Darkest moments as teens. Years later they reconnect at a homeless shelter. Despite his adamence to ignore her Alanna can't let go of a friendship and her growing feelings for Silas. Without giving much away their lives are forever shattered in one tragic moment and they are sperated for over 5 years. By this time Alanna is dating Silas' half brother and will soon be an employee at his company. Despite all the reasons they shouldn't be together, their feelings transcend all obstacles. I read the prequel of this essentially in an anthology and was super excited for the full length book. Bittersweet memories far exceeded every one of them and it held so much more emotion than I anticipated. There is angst because this author is one of the queens of angst along with steamy scenes. I love how possessive both main characters were towards each other and how Silas always put Alanna first even when it seemed to break his heart. This man was one of my favorite heroes I've read all year! He constantly impressed me and was likeable while also not being a doormat. I sincerely hope we get side characters Raven's story because she has so much potential as well. Bittersweet Memories was an emotional journey I couldn't put down and had more depth that i anticipated in this forbidden romance with a twist.
Profile Image for Jess .
1,047 reviews150 followers
February 1, 2023
What happens when your boyfriend breaks your heart?
You f*** his brother of course...


This was my first Catharina Maura book, or novella and she definitely knows how to pull you in from the very start!!

You think you are getting typical girl meets boy at coffee shop, but girl has boyfriend, so boy is going to be all "alpha" about it but nope. Not at all, Silas is most definitely not a boy, and he most definitely isn't going to be all "alpha" because he is the alpha.

Alanna has never seen this man before but one meeting in an alley and she can't get him out of her head. Then she sees him later that night and everything starts to crumble around her. He is not just some random guy in an alley. He is much more.

I was really not ready for this novella to end; I needed so much more but I guess that will have to wait until the full-length novel.

Bittersweet Memories is out now, and I am diving into it ASAP! I've got to know Alanna's secrets as well as how Sila's seems to know things about her he shouldn't.
Profile Image for Vic.
203 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2022
how do I give this book more than 5 stars? holy crap that was phenomenal. I have never cried this much reading a book. I love Silas so freaking much. I honestly don’t know what to say other than wow.
Profile Image for Izzie d.
4,209 reviews326 followers
October 5, 2023
Book is in 2 parts.
In part 2 it's 5 years later.
The heroine is now either the younger brother briefly.
No intimate scenes other than the Hero and heroine.
Links to author's other characters.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,399 reviews

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