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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves: The Druid's Call

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Discover Doric’s powerful druid origins in this thrilling young adult prequel to the film Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.

An original YA novel, set before the events of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.

For as long as she can remember, Doric has felt alone. Abandoned by her human parents, she wandered for years before being taken in by a community of Neverwinter Woods elves. But her horns and tail proclaim a tiefling heritage, and even among the kindest of elves, her fledgling druidic abilities mark her as different from the rangers around her. And as humans begin to encroach farther and farther into the once pristine woods, Doric knows she needs to master her druidic capabilities if she is to be any help to her adopted family. With no means of helping Doric themselves, her guardians see no choice but to send her somewhere she can come into her own.

Tucked among the ancient pines of the Ardeep Forest hides the Emerald Enclave, an order of warriors tasked with preserving the natural world. They fight to maintain balance between the forces of the wild and civilization, and in doing so, protect the sanctity of each.

Among their order, Doric begins to find power in her differences. But not all her fellow initiates are so capable of new growth, and as her training continues, Doric is forced to confront the very beliefs that brought her into the Enclave’s fold. If she’s going to protect her home, she’ll have to reckon with her people, her power, and the walls she’s built to keep herself safe from both.

304 pages, Hardcover

First published February 7, 2023

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About the author

E.K. Johnston

21 books2,528 followers
E.K. Johnston had several jobs and one vocation before she became a published writer. If she’s learned anything, it’s that things turn out weird sometimes, and there’s not a lot you can do about it. Well, that and how to muscle through awkward fanfic because it’s about a pairing she likes.

You can follow Kate on Twitter (@ek_johnston) to learn more about Alderaanian political theory than you really need to know, or on Tumblr (ekjohnston) if you're just here for pretty pictures.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 288 reviews
Profile Image for Jessica.
Author 27 books5,766 followers
May 10, 2023
I didn't expect this book to absolutely break my heart, but I shoulda known that Kate would pull no punches! The flashbacks about Doric's childhood almost brought me to tears, but don't worry: the whimsy and humor of the film is here, too! (Come to think of it, the film had some dark backstories as well . . .) But here we see how Doric (adorable, feisty Doric!) came to be a druid and living among the wood elves. There might be an appearance from another character, there's certainly a lot of owl bear. (YASSSS.) And other characters are mentioned. So if you, like me, thought the Honor Among Thieves movie was just a DAMN DELIGHT, you need this book! Cry a little, laugh a little, adventure a lot.
Profile Image for Frank.
7 reviews
March 12, 2023
I have to admit that I was a bit skeptic when I picked up this book. I wasn’t sure if I would like Doric, a tiefling druid, and her this book. Normally it can be hit or miss for me with YA books and also the fact that this is a tie-in novel for an upcoming movie. But as I read on, I absolutely fell in love with her character. Doric’s past resonated so much with me - she was abandoned by her parents, shunned by humans, and struggled to find her place in the world. I could really feel her insecurities and admire the way she grows in this book.

The book tackles some important and relevant topics such as the feeling of belonging, insecurity, racism and traumatic childhood experiences. Doric faces many challenges and prejudices because of her appearance and heritage, but she also finds love and friendship along the way. She learns to embrace her unique abilities and identity as a druid who can communicate with nature and wild shape into animals.

The book also very lightly incorporates the tie-in to the upcoming movie Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. It sets up Doric’s involvement in a quest with a sorcerer and two thieves that will take her to Neverwinter and beyond. It was exciting to see some hints of what’s to come in the movie.

I was happy after all this time to read a book in this shared world setting again. The author did a great job of bringing the Forgotten Realms to life with vivid descriptions and references. The book is full of magic, adventure, humor and heart. It is a wonderful prequel that makes me eager to watch the movie and follow Doric’s journey further.
Profile Image for Lauren Stoolfire.
4,016 reviews278 followers
September 4, 2023
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves: The Druid's Call by E.K. Johnston was a cool and heartbreaking look into Doric's past. I really loved the movie and I've really lucked out with these prequel books because they've been pretty great so far. I hope we'll get to see more of them in the future because that would be delightful.
Profile Image for Matti.
85 reviews75 followers
March 16, 2023
This story was pretty sweet and better than I expected from a movie tie-in novel. It's not anything special in my opinion but it's solid, the writing is good and I liked the characters a lot. 👍
Profile Image for Carrie.
Author 17 books68 followers
April 1, 2023
I love D&D and EK Johnston, so it was a given I was going to pick this up. I didn't love the pacing (apparently that's becoming a Thing with me), and I don't think this is as polished as Johnston's other books. In particular, some of the dialogue felt clunky and I had to read some conversations twice to make sure I was getting what the characters were saying.

That said, I really did love Doric, and as a whole, this is a charming coming-of-age story about a girl who finds confidence and family. I love that sort of stuff in general, but against that backdrop of the world of Dungeons & Dragons, it's even better.

UPDATE: After watching the movie (which is so much fun), I now know the story in this pretty much leads into the movie. So, if you're looking for a wrapped-up plot, it doesn't really happen in the book. The wrapped-up part is Doric's character growth.
Profile Image for Cindy.
48 reviews
April 11, 2023
3.5 stars. I recommend reading if you liked Doric in the movie and wanted to get more into her character!
Profile Image for Cole.
1 review
March 27, 2023
TLDR: Amazing, absolutely worth the read.

When I bought this book, I was a bit doubtful since my experience with movie tie-in media has been lackluster at best. However, this book was a joy and a pleasure to read.

The story follows Doric, the druid soon to be seen in the upcoming D&D film played by Sophia Lillis. E.K. Johnston crafts a fantastic backstory, full of heartbreak, adversity, fantasy, adventure, and hope. I couldn't help but absolutely fall in love with the character of Doric. Watching her grow from a small child living in constant fear of rejection to a strong, confident druid was nothing short of a joy to read. Every story beat, tender moment, heartbreaking backstory, or intense battle just further endeared Doric to me.

My only real complaint is the ending, I feel it was a bit abrupt. However, I do think this was done intentionally to lead directly into the film, so it doesn't bother me very much. The final page of the book left a huge smile on my face, I sat there just wishing I had more pages to turn cause I was so heavily invested in Doric and her story.

If you're on the fence about giving this book a read, I heavily encourage it. Many people, myself included, have reservations about movie tie-in books or other media, but this book stands as a shining example that these tie-ins can not only be good, but downright amazing.

This book also had what I can only describe as a post credit scene. That was a fun little suprise to find.
Profile Image for Lucille.
1,184 reviews261 followers
April 15, 2023
C’était une lecture vraiment sympathique, bon petit prequel sur Doric et sa formation de druide, son arrivée chez les elfes et sa découverte de ses pouvoirs ! Un bon petit roman fantasy qui passe parfois vite sur certains événements (j’aurais aimé que sa formation prenne plus de temps) mais c’est un aussi un roman très court et je n’aurais pas pris le temps de le lire s’il était plus long donc bon ! Si vous avez aimé le film D&D Honor among thieves cest un bon moyen de rester dans l’univers et en apprendre plus sur le meilleur perso 💚
Profile Image for Kyle.
128 reviews6 followers
April 25, 2023
This book could have easily been the 1st of like a 12 book series. It was a bit odd reading DnD as a young adult fiction book instead of a fantasy but I think it may work for a broader scale of audience.

I am curious that the book states that there is not a large Tiefling presence in the area and I am wondering on the timeframe, because I guess I am thinking about the occupation of Neverwinter by a tiefling and the large Ashmadai population in the area.

I read this book first and have not read the Road to Neverwinter or watched the movie yet as I am waiting to read both beforehand, but it was a neat little druid story. I think the author had to be quick with her character growth trauma healing because this was a prequel to a movie and falls within the rules of DnD and they may not have had a lot of freedom besides story development. Simon was random so I am hoping he is more important in the story elsewhere as the secret letter in the back of the book states.
Profile Image for Nathaniel.
Author 26 books185 followers
February 19, 2024
I did not expect a Dungeons and Dragons book to get me back into a cozy fantasy mood. Especially since this isn't really cozy fantasy? I just choose to look at it that way. Having loved the movie, I'm not surrpised I loved this book. The ending was amazing. I wasn't sure where Johnston was going with the story, but that last sentence was perfect.
Profile Image for Robert.
1,815 reviews150 followers
January 8, 2024
A fun and surprisingly heartfelt prequel novel to the supremely entertaining film from 2023 (it made my annual Recommendations List!) that did a lot to help me warm to who was, for me, the least appealing of the Party.

You'd best believe there is Owlbear content.
Profile Image for Mario.
Author 2 books6 followers
March 15, 2023
Another prequel for the movie "Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves", this novel, "The Druid's Call" by E.K. Johnston, follows the origin for Doric, the tiefling druid that becomes one of the main characters in the movie.

Adopted by the elves of Neverwinter Wood, Doric struggles to find his place in a community that has sheltered her, but who is still wary of her origins, since tieflings are a controversial race that descends from demons and fiends from other planes. Shielded by close friends, she discovers her powers during a reconnaissance mission on forest pillagers. When she tries to calm a bear, the elves notice that she would be a perfect match for druid training.

All while in flashbacks we learn of her heartbreaking story, she is sent to a Druid enclave for training. There she will make more friends and start to control her new powers. Unfortunately, the human log cutters are deforesting the elf home at a faster rate, and she is recalled for help.

Written in a fast and entertaining pace, this is a great novel. We also encounter, albeit briefly, another of the movie characters, but feels somehow shoehorned. I'm not sure if more of this will appear in the movie, but the conflict with the human despoilers is not resolved and the novel appears cut short.

It's a good prequel overall, especially if you're interested in the movie and you are not completely familiar with the D&D setting. Also, this is the first instance of a "post-credits scene" I've read in a book.
Profile Image for Powolneczytanie.
63 reviews4 followers
August 23, 2023
3,5 🌟Po opisie książki spodziewałam się czegoś innego, stąd lekki zawód. Akcji nie było dużo i wbrew zapewnieniom na okładce była to raczej walka z przeszłością i trudnymi wspomnieniami, niż starcie o zachowanie równowagi między naturą, a cywilizajcją. Pod wieloma względami była to książka poruszająca, a klimat DnD to coś co uwielbiam, więc nie mogę tak całkiem narzekać. Ale sięgnęłam po nią, bo myślałam że będzie podobna do Willi dziewczyny z lasu, a jednak nie wiem... Ten wątek natury był, ale jakby czegoś w nim zabrakło. I tyle. Szkoda bo liczyłam że to będzie piąteczka.
Profile Image for AnaDeCintra.
130 reviews
May 2, 2023
El libro me gustó mucho, sobre todo para conocer un poco más sobre las costumbres de los druidas, el cómo se van formando y esas cosas. Además de poder ver un poco más el punto de vista de Reinos Olvidados sobre los tiefling y lo mal vistos que están en algunos sitios, o por algunas gentes.
La historia del personaje, Doric, me gustó mucho el cómo está planteada, su transfondo, sus transformaciones salvajes, el cómo ocurre todo eso, me gustó mucho.
Si no le doy las 5 estrellas es por el simple hecho de que es una historia bastante sencilla que no te va a cambiar la vida leyéndola, pero la verdad es que está muy entretenida y curiosa. La disfruté y me gustó.
Profile Image for Tomb.
158 reviews12 followers
March 17, 2023
Surprisingly enjoyable for a movie tie-in. It spare little time explaining things and assume everyone knows already how the world works and how things look and feel. And instead focus on building Doric into a interesting character. What raised the book to four from three to me is how I felt afterwards. It is a book that made me wanna watch the movie and play the game. Plus the inside of the book is pretty!
Profile Image for Daniel Lavan.
74 reviews
March 22, 2023
I liked this book a lot! It did a great job of being its own stand-alone story while also setting up events for the DnD movie. I love Doric, she's a precious bean.
Profile Image for Trever.
282 reviews8 followers
April 8, 2023
I read the first prequel book, "Road to Neverwinter", back to back with this, so here's a sort of comparison review of both.

The first book, "Road to Neverwinter", is my favorite. It's classic D&D caper adventure all the way. You get to see Edgin meet Holga, how he gets back into adventuring, their family unit, plus first encounters with Forge and Simon. And the climactic burglary caper is a blast. It does a solid job of capturing the feel of the game, rather than just being a generic fantasy novel with familiar place names. Recommended.

The second book, "Druid's Call", is very different but also enjoyable. It is YA, however, and carries the YA baggage. It's all the story of the tiefling Doric and how she got abandoned by her parents and ended up becoming a druid and meeting Simon. I've never played a game with tieflings but my impression from this book is that they are tailor-made for the kids who are TOO special and TOO artsy and TOO magical for this cruel world, and NOBODY understand them and everyone torments them. They must be a popular race with high schoolers. That's the YA baggage I mentioned, that there's just a whole lot of how nobody understands Doric, oh the tragedy. But on the plus side, it's much more character focused than the other book, so you do learn a lot more about her specifically. It's an engaging book, just not fun like the other one is.
Profile Image for Elyse.
368 reviews7 followers
July 13, 2023
Usually, ties in are pretty weak, but this was a solid book. If you enjoyed the movie, I rec picking this up. It still bugs me that her skin isn't a random color though. But I'm so happy to learn about her past! It was well-told.
Profile Image for Vlad G..
64 reviews
April 4, 2023
Tie-in novels can be tricky stories to write, but E.K. Johnston did a wonderful job putting together this introduction to Doric, the Emerald Enclave, and some of the regions surrounding Neverwinter. Through the use of a story-within-story to weave moments from Doric's past and present together, we get to understand her origins and the path that leads her to the events from Honor Among Thieves in a way that made me positively love and admire the Tiefling Druid. Rich in emotional moments and character growth, this story is well worth the read and will definitely have you cheering for Doric at every step of the way! Plus, it'll give you a better understanding of owlbears.
Profile Image for Rey Cooper.
51 reviews1 follower
March 8, 2023
i put in one of my updates that at the beginning of this story, i was okay about doric. i wanted to read her story so i could go into honor among thieves with a better understanding of the world that it takes place in. but it only took a couple of chapters (and one backstory) to completely fall in love with doric. johnston did such a heartbreakingly good job of building doric throughout all stages of her life and carrying her personality throughout her changes. doric would make a choice even if it wasn't the right choice to make due to her personality, and that would give her a disadvantage. but she still made the choices! her character is incredibly strong and quite charismatic.

the hints to the greater world of honor among thieves (the other adventurers!) and the appearances of a certain character made me thrilled to continue with the story! i'm so excited to read the road to neverwinter and continue with this band of losers. but i love the power of this book that completely changed my view of doric. i hope the other prequel stories can do the same with the other characters.
Profile Image for David Pascual.
106 reviews
May 1, 2023
"¡Doric ha hablado con un oso!"

Este libro es una precuela a la película de Honor entre ladrones de dungeons & dragons. Se supone que debe revelar y explicar el trasfondo de los personajes (en este caso el de Doric, la druida) para ayudarte a entenderlo mejor. Y en eso que debía hacer, suspende estrepitosamente.

He ido a ver la película, y realmente, da igual si te lees este libro antes o después porque te aporta lo mismo: zero. Si te lo lees antes mejor, porque al menos aprendes algo antes, ya que en la película cuando nos presentan a Doric, ella resume su vida para que el espectador la conozca, y básicamente te resume el libro: "Hija de humanos que no me querían, me acogieron los elfos y me fui al Enclave Esmeralda a entrenar como druida". FIN.

No sigue siquiera la estructura de un libro ya que no posee un desenlace final. Es decir, la premisa por la que Doric se va a entrenar como druida nace a raíz de 1) ser útil a quienes la acogieron y 2) salvar el equilibrio del bosque porque los humanos se están pasando de la ralla. Lo que sucede en la historia es 1) es la jefaza de los druidas desde el minuto uno, ya que domina sin entrenamiento todos los poderes e incluso llega más allá que cualquiera de los maestros (Mary Sue total) y 2) vuelve para resolver lo de los humanos leñadores y solo la lía más y entonces decide irse sin asumir las consecuencias para volver y que todos la perdonen.

A parte de que mencionan a Simon de pasada solo para que haya alguna conexión con la película, porque los leñadores no influyen en nada.

En fin, el libro es ameno de leer y entretenido. Si no te irrita ver a un personaje que le sale TODO bien siempre y que es super crack, y una historia que no tienen desenlace ni final, pues podrías leerte este libro si te gusta el mundillo.

La reseña me ha quedado un poco agresiva, pero es que me gusta mucho más la Doric de la peli que la del libro. Creo que han perdido una gran oportunidad de darle más mundo y trasfondo a los personajes con estos libros, y que lo han enfocado a un sacacuartos de la película. Estoy un poco decepcionado.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rebecca Lindau.
175 reviews2 followers
October 13, 2023
Doric was one of my favorite characters in the dnd movie, but I felt like she was the one who got the least screen time and background so I was excited to read her book to learn more. I had low expectations going in and the book met those expectations. It did what it had to and it was fine. If you liked the movie give it a read, It’ll be a fun read, but don’t expect anything mind blowing
Profile Image for Clayton Whitfield.
12 reviews4 followers
May 12, 2023
3.5/5 stars; generally enjoyable and easy to read.
*No spoilers, les a-go:*

What an impulse buy. I saw this after also impulse-buying Road to Neverwinter, and decided I wanted to see if this affects how I feel about the movie (fully expecting the film producers could retcon any of these “prequel novels” in the future if they deem it necessary). This novel was so young adult, it was like reliving the imagination of my teenage self. It’s got teenage self-doubt, angst, friendship, and desire. But unlike my teenage self, it also has a hero (or, rather, heroine) who is so special compared to her peers, her skill surpasses that of even well-seasoned mentors.
Good thing those teenage years are behind me now.

What I loved is getting familiar with Neverwinter locations and groups. What was glaringly flat to me was that Doric gains one unique skill, and the story immediately shifts focus to EVERYTHING relating back to that skill. In other words, she’s supposed to be a great Druid, but she’s really just a one-trick pony.

The story compliments the Road to Neverwinter and gives the reader more background on Doric. It kind of reminds me of Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent, and similar books if you removed the romance and excessive war and wrote it like a fantasy novel.
Profile Image for Micah.
54 reviews2 followers
March 26, 2023
I don't really have any experience with YA novels. I read The Giver by Lois Lowry when I was maybe 19 or 20. That's been it since then, I'm 37 now. I'm not sure if there is a certain kind of formula that YA books should follow or what so maybe just take my review with a grain of salt.

However, I wanted to read all the prequel stuff for the D&D movie before it came out. I read the Road to Neverwinter and truly loved it. Up next was the Druid's Call. I've yet to read the prequel graphic novel.

The Druid's Call is the back story of the tiefling druid Doric. It's something of a trope now - an outcast child with a tragic childhood goes to a wizard school (in this case, a druid enclave). Not just the harry potter books have that basic premise. It's a trope I never really connected to and I'm still not there with this book. Perhaps the intended YA audience gets something out of it but not me.

Whereas The Road to Neverwinter felt like a well paced, cohesive D&D campaign (or chunk of a campaign), the adventure parts of Druid's Call feel like several single session one-shots done out of order. The non-adventure parts are melancholic, teen angsty, drama which seems fine for YA novel but it's not the fun, comedic romp I liked from The Road to Neverwinter. The Druid's Call is sadder and darker.

It is fine. There is a small connection to The Road to Neverwinter - which feels out of place, honestly - but it certainly does make me wonder what Doric's role in the main party/movie is going to be. A main focus in this book is something Doric can do that you can't do as per Dungeons & Dragons rules that will probably make booger-eating D&D fans mad and I am all for it. I don't know if I will ever revisit this, but I'm not mad I read this in preparation for the movie.

A small thing that gets an extra point for me - the production on this book is beautiful. The art on the dust jacket is wonderful, the hardcover is a pleasant green and white colorway with red foil print. Page texture is nice, the type face feels good to read, the whole package is just really well done and even though it sounds cheesy, this physically was a joy to read. I know this is minor stuff but I'm glad there has been care taken to produce a quality product.
Profile Image for seastar.
24 reviews
June 6, 2023
3.5 stars
Doric was absolutely my favourite character from the movie, so of course I was eager to get to know more about her story and who she was as a person.
The highlights of this book are character development and details on Doric's backstory. I loved to see how she became more open and accepting of herself and who she is. The flashbacks, tied in between the chapters, were also a great addition and helped to understand Doric's actions as the story was going. Following the good sides, E.K. Johnston's writing style, although really simple (I'll talk about it in a sec) made the book really easy to read through.
However, the writing style also felt like it was missing something; it didn't feel like a fantasy novel to me, there wasn't much fantasy vocabulary used and the there wasn't any monsters or magical things, except from the magic used by druids, of course. What also threw me off was how bland it was at times. I know it's supposed to be YA, but the simplicity of the story made itself seen when there wasn't any fights or flashbacks - there wasn't anything interesting happening if Doric couldn't make a show out of it. I thought she spent like a month or two at the enclave and it turned out to be a whole year! It didn't feel like that, though, because it was never mentioned how many weeks have passed (at least I didn't catch it).
This doesn't mean I didn't like the book - quite otherwise, I really enjoyed it. It was a ligh read, and some moments made me emotional. It isn't the best, but it's nice. I would recommend it if you enjoyed the movie or if you like YA genre.
Profile Image for Shitholden.
47 reviews
September 24, 2023
Le pongo un 3.5, pero no voy a ser como mis profesores, y se lo redondeo a 4 estrellas.

Al igual que la película, me ha parecido ameno, agradable, y me ha ayudado a conocer un poco mejor el mundo de D&D. Ya estoy un poquito más cerca de atreverme a jugar (claramente siendo un Tiefling 😈).

Solo tengo una queja y es un poco spoiler...

------Mini spoiler ¿¿supongo??----

ME HA JODIDO MUCHO EL QUEERBAIT. Se notaba mucho que la relación de Doric y Torrieth era algo más, y cuando al final dice que se va a casar con el don nadie ese fue como pffff vale pues nada. Y todo para que en alguna peli futura tenga algo con Simon que sinceramente no pegan nada más allá que colegas, pero bueno.


Pues eso, que me ha ayudado a despejarme un poco después de unas lecturas más complejas, lo recomiendo si os gustó la película y queréis expandir un poco su universo, pensando si leer la otra precuela...
Profile Image for Taylor.
115 reviews
March 20, 2023
This is a middle grade novel masquerading as a YA novel and while there's nothing wrong with middle grade novels, I ended up being very let down by the simplistic writing and underwhelming plot. Some moments definitely had a strong D&D vibe, but there weren't enough of them to carry this book.
Profile Image for Esme.
593 reviews22 followers
July 3, 2023
I liked this a lot! 4.5 ⭐

I absolutely adored the movie so much, so this was just like a bonus treat. I loved getting the back story as well as seeing some familiar characters. 100% recommend if you enjoyed the movie!
Author 4 books2 followers
March 19, 2023
Quick version: It was a really enjoyable story of Doric's origins and learning to be a druid that would otherwise be a 5 star review except for some really shoehorned in movie links and an unresolved major plot point (again, maybe to leave it for the movie?)

Longer version:
This was a entertaining and emotional story of Doric finding a home and learning to be a druid that I thoroughly enjoyed! She is a fun character and has a believable and well written growth arc that is the focus of the story. The secondary characters are all enjoyable even if they don't all get much depth which makes sense given the length of the story and focus on Doric. Also, having read a lot of D&D novels in the past, this is the best one I've come across that explores becoming and being a druid, an often overlooked character type in the other novels.

The audiobook narration is also incredible with distinctive but not distracting voices, and solid emotional range!

However, there are two things that shift this from "a really great book" to "a really great book BUT..." and the first is the obvious links to the movie. When first appears, it actually works rather well with the story. The other appearances or mentions on top of obvious movie references are so forced and tangential to the actual plot that even Doric mentions how forgettable they are! Given how solid the rest of the writing is, it feels very much like pieces forced in by editorial decree after the book was already written. Thankfully they are small and pass quickly, but they are jarring enough to momentarily knock me out of the story. Certainly not nearly so much to ruin it, but enough to keep it from being 5 stars.

Secondly, and this might be a movie thing as well, but I haven't seen it yet, is that Hopefully, it's just a set up of something to be resolved in the movie, but either way, it was more jarring than the other shoe-horned movie links (which just amounted to a sentence or paragraph here and there, so they breeze by bumpily but quickly).

However, if go into this knowing that it is a CHARACTER ARC story and that the plot is secondary, then it is very enjoyable and fun read that helps you really understand Doric well!
Profile Image for Rose.
8 reviews1 follower
September 9, 2023
I did quite enjoy the story, but the writing is very simple, as it might be intended to be accessible for a slightly younger audience. Regardless, it always fills my heart with joy to read fantasy, particularly fantasy written within the Forgotten Realms setting.

I was glad to see non-binary characters and even a neo-pronoun, although this was used quite literally once, and the character was only mentioned by name once after that. The character never even has a spoken line.

I've heard people saying Doric is asexual and/or aromantic, but this was not mentioned or described in any way in the whole book unfortunately. If you're looking for aro/ace representation, supposedly Doric fits the bill, but it's not ever mentioned here, other than her simply never exhibiting interest in anyone.

I have mixed feelings about the ending, only because it felt a little rushed and unsatisfactory to me.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 288 reviews

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