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Filters have been in use for many years in the astronomy hobby, from the simplest neutral density filters that help when observing a bright Moon to the advanced narrowband filters that reveal hidden treasures like the horsehead nebula in Orion. Colored filters help tease out the finer details when observing the planets, and light pollution filters help remove some of the sky glow caused by street lights and house lights. Astrophotographers seeking to capture the most detail and have the most artistic control of their final images will shoot their targets using monochrome cameras and LRGB filters and narrowband filters.

Filters have a myriad of uses for both visual and photographic purposes, and we encourage you to give them a try. We think that incorporating one or more of these into your observing or imaging session will really enhance your overall experience and open your eyes to new levels of detail and contrast. If you have any questions as to which filters will help you get the most out of your viewing or imaging session, you can always reach out to one of our non-commissioned product advisors, and they will be happy to help.