FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Hierochloe odorata, Holy-grass, Reyrgresi

Hierochloe odorata; The Holy-grass is a panicle-bearing grass having spikelets with only two flowers. The branches of the panicle are spreading. One is only male the other bisexual. The species grows with rootstocks. The leaves have a faint coumarin odour (like Sweet Vernal-grass, Anthoxanthum odoratum).

The Holy-grass is common in most regions of Iceland, but is rare/missing in the highlands and the "sandur" beeches in the south. It grows in moderate moist to dry heathers and grasslands and in scrubs/bushlands.

The Cock's-foot is a member of the grass family (Poaceae, also known as Gramineae). The Icelandic name of the Cock's-foot is Reyrgresi.

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