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Cecile Veilhan

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25 pieces
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  1. RZRgirl0:41
  2. Ianto0:44
  3. Rcirafici0:52
  4. puzzlewen0:53
  5. LadyLynnP10:54
  6. Robp0:55
  7. Warehouse0:56
  8. sammiegirl0:58
  9. arthurleach1:00
  10. denyse1:03


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Betty! Three dogs! How marvellous.... That's a lot of furry loving....


I have no cats either at the moment, but I do have three dogs.


Sadly not, but for the last 30 years or so I have had a succession of 3 absolutely wonderful cats from animal rescue charities (so I got all of them when they were quite mature.) They were wonderful companions. I currently am about to have a lot of horrible building work done, but may think about getting one again after that..... Do you have a pet?


Do you have cats now? @Caroline555


Betty - that is absolutely adorable. (Mad cat woman here!)


You are welcome Connie. Glad you liked it. @LadyLynnP1

Sweet stuffed kitty and a cute little girl. Thanks, Betty, for sharing. - Connie

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