Adding The Cents Symbol

Q. Why is there no cents () symbol on the computer keyboard? I have to use it often, and it’s a pain having to go to Insert, Symbol , and then searching for the icon.

A. It was a senseless omission, but I do know some easy and fast ways to get Word to produce it.

One way is to press Ctrl+/+C (that’s Ctrl, forward slash key and C); that combination is a default command for the cents symbol. If you don’t like that combination or you want to create a custom shortcut for another symbol, click on Insert, Symbol . If you want to change the default key for the cents symbol, find that icon and highlight it.

Then click on Shortcut Key , which will produce this screen:

Select the shortcut keys you like and click on Assign and Close . Be careful which keys you select. For example, because Ctrl+C, one obvious choice for cents, is the default Copy command, I should think you wouldn’t want to lose it. However, you might want to use Shift+Alt+C.

Where to find May’s flipbook issue

The Journal of Accountancy is now completely digital. 





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Recruiting. Onboarding. Payroll administration. Compliance. Benefits management. These are just a few of the HR functions accounting firms must provide to stay competitive in the talent game.