Roman Sheremeta’s Post

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Chairman of Ukrainian American House | Professor of Economics at Case Western Reserve University | Founding Rector of American University Kyiv

Mariupol and Grozny will sign an agreement to be "sister cities." This is the latest cynical step of the russian propaganda. To remind you, russia leveled Grozny to the ground in 1995. Mariupol - in 2022. Now the two cities will be called "sisters". Unbelievable cynicism.

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Liubym Gerasymenko, FCCA, MIM

CEO’s business partner in tackling challenging business environments ǀ Critical energy infrastructure ǀ Energy transition ǀ Industrials ǀ Sensible decarbonization ǀ Corporate transformations ǀ M&A ǀ Multi-cultural exec


Consistency is the sign of mastery. That's about the only thing that Ruzzia has been doing well for centuries: masters of destruction. Not much else. And obviously proud of it.

Nedder McDonnell

Reluctantly retired and looking to be productive; finance, development, teaching


SEE POINTS #3 and #4. Russian apologists argue that N.A.T.O. is responsible for this ghastly atrocity by "moving eastward" in violation of a promise by the leaders of core N.A.T.O. powers not to do so made circa 1990. 🤨 ¡WRONG! 😳 1st, those leaders were not in a position to bind the whole alliance into a promise (i.e., eight other members. including Spain and Italy). 🤭 2nd, the versions of that asserted promise have vague wording; that is, the core power leaders may have pledged not aggressively to expand N.A.T.O. eastward; they have not. 🤔 3rd, the brutal attack by Russia against Grozny during the holiday bombings of 1994 and the ground assault of early 1995 changed the N.A.T.O. view. With the Balkans on fire with atrocities at the time, there was a danger of bloody conflict engulfing (eastern) Europe. 😨 4th, that attack opened N.A.T.O.'s door to newly liberated lands to move WESTward, should they meet eligibility criteria, into the alliance. 🤝 5th, ¿the rationale? If Russia was willing to mistreat her own citizens in that manner, imagine the fate that could befall newly liberated lands should Russia attack them. Imagination is no longer necessary. 🖕

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Dan Hanqvist

Finance & Regulatory Counsel, Roschier


Moscovite culture at its prime.

Jason Taverner

UK & Ireland - Senior Business Development Manager for Business Intelligence - Helping customers to identify risk early through insights and factual trends to steer clear of danger


Scorched earth policy, standard Russian protocol, leave nothing for the victims, how inhumane

João "Жуау" Miguel Ferreira

(А ми тую червону калину Підіймемо)


Mariupol will be liberated soon. Grozny will follow at some point. The Ukrainian sun-rise has come, as predicted by President Dudayev.

Miron Swyst

Principal at Miron Swyst


When does one stop and review that it’s REPEATED PATTERN; bad behavior with reward leads to bad behavior again

Richard Faint

One time MD & Owner of Charter Wise Ltd. Now semi-retired Chartered Arbitrator


Roman: Not just unbelievable - I simply cannot comprehend how any sane person could come up with such an idea!

I would think whoever signs this agreement on behalf of Mariupol will also be signing their own death warrant.

Oksana Zabolotnaya

Owner and director (Pradas D) suspension of activity 24.02.2022 Owner and director (BMHBEL) suspension of activity 09.08.2020


The will to freedom and strength of mind cannot be killed! ... and Mariupol will be free!

Just a preview of how the cities in the New Soviet Union will look in the future if the Russian Agressors keep fighting to control the Ukraine and threaten NATO

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