What is EFT Tapping?

What is EFT Tapping?

EFT is the acronym for Emotional Freedom Technique. Eft tapping has been touted as a therapeutic intervention solution for many conditions/issues, including trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, pain, phobias, weight management, and performance issues. Using your middle finger, you tap on specific acupuncture points to open meridian lines (energy pathways) in the body. "While tapping on the meridian points, you simultaneously think about a past event, incident or memory that evokes a negative emotion" (www.thechalkboardmag.com). And, "thinking about the event coupled with simultaneous meridian point tapping is believed to release or lessen the intensity of the negative emotion. This makes it possible to think about that same event, incident, or memory with a much lower emotional charge or without experiencing any negative emotion at all" (www.thechalkboardmag.com).

Visit my website at www.blaqelotus.com. My ultimate focus is on helping others in any way I can. You can become entirely whole again, don't get me wrong, it's a hard composition to reach...but I can help. My goal is for you to be...to become, to believe, to bestow, to benefit, to be you again.

"To be or not to be, that is the question" William Shakespeare

"I never lose sight of the fact that just being is fun" Katharine Hepburn

"You are NIRVANA: you cannot seek what you already are, you can only let go of what you are not - JUST BE" Buddha


The Chalkboard. (2018, October 18). The Power of EFT Tapping Therapy To Deal with Unresolved Trauma. Retrieved September 13, 2019, from The Chalkboard website: https://thechalkboardmag.com/eft-tapping-therapy/

Chad Wuest

Acupuncture in Hobart TASMANIA - Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist. Balance Method Acupuncture | Traditional Distal Method and Motor Point Acupuncture. Acupuncture Clinic based in North Hobart.


using the pericardium (middle finger) channel to tap makes sense, given thats sort of the emotional centre.....ive wondered about how it all works so thanks for this write up 😊❤️


Such an excellent and CONCISE explanation- THANK YOU!

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