The Absolute Best of the Raptor Jesus Meme

Brian Gilmore
Updated August 31, 2017 194.5K views 52 items

This is the best of the classic, the wonderfully sacrilegious, Raptor Jesus Meme. Raptor Jesus is basically drawing mustaches in your church pamphlets taken to the next level (and then some.) In honor of the lord and savior of the internet, I'm bringing this one back. Raptor Jesus is an immature, self-involved, teenage-sounding, gamer, lolcat depiction of Jesus Christ with a velociraptor for a head. Enjoy.

What are the best things to come from Raptor Jesus? Do you just need to see a Raptor Jesus gif right now? Take a look at these fine examples of the Raptor Jesus meme, and it's okay, you can admit that they're pretty funny because they are! Plus, who isn't going to smile at just any raptor meme? Horrible people with no light in their soul. Jesus Velociraptor really can't be beat.