Naomi Campbell on men, turning 50 and the racism she still faces

The model tells Michael Odell why she’s inspired by Black Lives Matter and the young people taking action against racial injustice

Naomi Campbell: “Last year I was refused entry to a hotel in the south of France because of my skin colour”
Naomi Campbell: “Last year I was refused entry to a hotel in the south of France because of my skin colour”
The Times

Naomi Campbell is in her dressing gown watching TV in her Los Angeles apartment. On screen is the funeral of George Floyd. It has been a tumultuous week for racial politics across America and the UK, but Campbell sees reasons for hope.

“What I’m watching disgusts me — a funeral which is the result of violence against black people that never seems to end. Added to that, a Korean friend of mine was spat at in the supermarket yesterday. It’s wrong! It’s sick! There is such aggression out there! But news from the UK makes me think young people there can be proud of how they’ve handled things. The Black Lives Matter demonstration in Bristol, when they took down the statue, was inspiring. This young