Chicago: New Parapet Wall’s Coping Covers


US-CES was awarded the project to replace the deteriorated parapet walls’ coping covers with Wickright vented coping covers.

The Lincoln four-flat was built in the 80s in Chicago and had been experiencing water leakage from trapped moisture inside the parapet walls.  The original parapet’s coping covers were installed in a manner that when rainstorm water penetrated the exterior split-face block masonry walls, the rising moisture was trapped underneath the copings.  US-CES installed new coping covers with a venting cavity that allows moisture to rise and escape from the sides. 


  • Inspected the deteriorated coping covers.

  • Reviewed the previous repair report and performed an extensive condition survey on all elevations.

  • Developed a Scope of Work

  • Created a Project Schedule

  • ·Designed new coping covers to complement the new venting membrane by WickRight


US-CES identified that the source of water infiltration was that because the coping covers had deteriorated, they were trapping moisture within the walls.  We removed the damaged covers.  We installed new vented coping covers at the east wall openings at 4th and 3rd decks, penthouse roof, and 3rd floor west deck. The project was completed on time and within the original contract fee.



Chicago’s Michigan Avenue: Parking Garage Restoration


Wicker Park in Chicago: Water Leakage Inspection Openings at Ceiling