
Lily Allen Looks Unrecognisable After An 11-Hour Hair Transformation

Lily Allen Looks Unrecognisable After An 11Hour Hair Transformation
Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images

Ariel from The Little Mermaid may be an unlikely beauty muse for most, but not for Lily Allen. The actor and singer debuted an incredible hair homage to the red-headed siren on the New York subway of all places. Her platform selfie reveals the results of an 11-hour transformation by the hair extension specialist Hair by Ester, who has a salon in New York.

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A drastic change from her most recent pixie cut, the waist-length scarlet lengths were attached to her natural bob using keratin-based K-tip extensions, which were fused to existing strands using heat. The red lengths were woven carefully through her own hair to create a seamlessly layered look, which was a painstaking process that took most of the day.

“When Lily Allen hits you in the DMS, you got to answer,” the hairstylist explained in her TikTok video. “I don’t think either of us were prepared for the intensity or complexity of this install – it was probably the most complex install I’ve done to date due to her really short pixie crop and the really dense, thick hair that she has.”

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If you’re planning a statement change like Lily, whether it’s colour, length or both, keeping the hair looking glossy is paramount if you want to show it off optimally. A high-shine routine like Andrew Fitzsimons’s Prism Shine Glossy Shampoo and Conditioner is a great first step, while a shine serum like Philip Kingsley’s Pure Colour Frizz Fighting Gloss is a beneficial addition to any styling regime.