Sand Wraith - not animated

Sand Wraith - not animated

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Sand Wraith - not animated

Title: Sand Wraith - not animated
Pixel Artist: Zolaris  (Level 6 Hitman :: 4705 points)
Posted: 1/13/2010 10:16
Statistics:  10 comments    16 faves    0 avatars

The Sand Wraith of Prince of Persia the warrior withinn.


i finished it, now im trying to animate it. Its gonna be very hard to me to animate so much smoke and the body i hope to be completed one day o.O 


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Rain Maker (Level 1 Rookie) @ 1/23/2010 14:48

amazing shading!!

Manjaman (Level 8 Cannibal) @ 1/18/2010 10:37

His hands don't seem to be finished, especially  his right hand, flattened by the black outline and by the lack of shading. The metal elements need more shine, they are too dull to look like metal. The smoke seems unfinished too (shape + one pixel missing in one of the pointed coils).

LoMastul (Level 1 Rookie) @ 1/14/2010 10:50

dang that's one awesome sand wraith, cant wait to see it animated.


Zolaris (Level 6 Hitman) @ 1/14/2010 04:55

 thanks for the comments, i see the corrections you said. ill correct it

Maybe i will follow GormenGhast advice because its looks very hard to animate and im suck at animation :P when i got better i will back to this one and animate it right..


SFME(Sorry for my english)

Randommonkies (Level 6 Manager) @ 1/13/2010 21:04

pretty cool, the arm on the right looks a little stumpy though

wishuponapixel (Level 6 Hitman) @ 1/13/2010 18:01

Nice character design. The left sword blade looks like the curve could still be smoothed out a bit more, the lines look jagged on the lower half of the blade.

Good luck animating this! Can't wait to see it ;)

GormenGhast (Level 5 Detective) @ 1/13/2010 16:00

Very nicely drawn. This will take aaages to animate.... why not make a completely unique character yourself and animate that instead? It might be a better investment of your time. Saying that, don't trust me because I'm an idiot. :D

Robinhood (Level 9 Boss) @ 1/13/2010 14:02

I was talking about the static :D


I wouldnt blame him for not wanting to animate that with even more colors. D:

smk (Level 6 Hitman) @ 1/13/2010 12:46

Though more colors would make it even harder to animate. Good work, keep at it mate!

Robinhood (Level 9 Boss) @ 1/13/2010 12:15

Nice smoke, more colors on it would make it look better :D

Related & Tags

sands of time warrior withinn prince of persia two thrones wraith mask pc game, Sand Wraith - not animated avatars, Sand Wraith - not animated icons, Sand Wraith - not animated pixel art, Sand Wraith - not animated forum avatars, Sand Wraith - not animated AOL Buddy Icons

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